It is always interesting to have conversations with people who are struggling to make sense of this world. Usually some pain or heartache fills their hearts, which makes it difficult to believe that God is a loving God, who cares for them and has a purpose for their lives.
I always to have to remind them (and myself) that there will always be pain and suffering in this world due to sin. We cannot avoid it. We will always live in a world with pain and suffering, until Jesus Christ comes back or we are taken up to heaven to meet Him face-to-face. This is why it makes us long for heaven more.
Therefore, I find great comfort in the words of John, the apostle, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’” (Rev 21:4-5).
But until that day comes, we have to trust and believe that God is Sovereign.
It is often times in the midst of pain when our theology of God comes into play. Isn’t it interesting that it is during the darkest moments when what we profess to believe is really tested?
Due to our finite minds, we will never fully understand everything, nor will we comprehend all of God’s perfect ways (Isa 55:9). This is where our faith and trust come into the picture.
Do we really believe that God is greater, bigger, and stronger than what we are going through? Sometimes it is hard to believe it. But this is when we need some reminders.
I first heard this song in passing, but the words of the chorus reverberated in my mind (and heart). It says: “There is nothing above you. There is nothing beyond you. There is nothing that you can’t do. There is no one beside you. There is no one that’s like you. There is nothing that you can’t do. Whatever will come, we’ll rise above. You fail us not, You fail us not. No matter the war, our hope is secure. You fail us not, You fail us not.”
In essence, I was reminded that God is GREATER, BIGGER, and STRONGER.
For more reminders, check out the testimonies