We finished off another BBQ at our home with the leaders. I am getting better at the grill. I guess the phrase, “practice makes perfect” applies here. It has been fun interacting with the various groups of leaders. The conversations that we had with the group of leaders today were totally different from the first group. But both were enjoyable and our family got to know the leaders better.
For some reason, today it really brought back memories of the early years in our church when our church was small. We were really living out the Acts 2 church… sharing in a meal, fellowship and just enjoying each other’s presence. It felt like a house church. Maybe this is the way we have to do church.
But one thing is sure – as the leaders are growing and getting blessed, the members in our church will be growing and getting blessed. This would be a sign of a healthy church. If this can happen this coming year, I would be ecstatic. Lord, let it be!