This was the third group of leaders that we had over to our house. It was hard adjusting as the host, since I just got back from Chicago and had to help cook right away. I realized that traveling back and forth to Chicago takes a toll on the body and mind. For some reason, […]
NU Church Plant Update – 8.14.06
We are 6 weeks away from officially launching the church plant. The text that we studied this past Sunday was Acts 17:16-18:28. There were three things that we highlighted in this passage: 1) The PREPARATION of people’s hearts – It is sobering to think that God is at work long before we actually arrive at […]
Airport Security
As I was planning out my flight from DTW to ORD, I made sure that I got rid of all liquids, gels, shampoo and toothpaste. Bottom line – I was traveling even lighter than I normally travel with my luggage. After going through the security check, I was pulled over for an “extra” security check. […]