Kenya Update 2

It was a beautiful morning. I realized that in the States we miss out on the beauty of God’s creation because we are just too busy to stop and notice. After our morning devotions and breakfast, we got a tour of the hospital.

It is just amazing to see how much they can do with so little. As we visited the various wards, we had opportunities to meet various staff workers, as well as some of the patients. In the middle of our tour, Dr. Peter was rushed to the operating room because he was needed for a C-section.

We ended up dividing up to our various specialties and working with the local Kenyan hospital staff. Kevin and Liz paired up together to do some hospital rounds. Pastor Ben and Susan paired up together, while Christina and I paired up to help the chaplain visit various wards to share God’s Word and to pray with the patients. It was encouraging to see the couples working together as a team.

Christina and I went into the Women’s Ward and saw a lot of women who were in pain. Dr. Steve mentioned that some of the women were in the hospital due to physical abuse from their husbands. Christina was able to share her testimony and some of the experiences that she went through with her parents. Then we ended up praying for them. It was a powerful moment. It keeps on reminding me – “through our great miseries comes our greatest ministry.”

In the late afternoon, we ended up doing ministry with the youth. In Kenya, like many other countries in the world consider those people who are not married as, “youth.” We did some praise, icebreakers and bible study. It was encouraging to see the hunger in the Kenyan youths.

Please continue to pray for us as we minister to the youths as well as to the people in the hospital. God has truly been good.

Here are some pictures:
Dr. Steve giving us a hospital tour
The Kenyan kids love taking pictures
The maternity ward in the hospital – as you can tell, things are very basic
The mortuary that many of you gave sacrifically to is making progress
A group picture in front of the future mortuary
Our youth meeting with the youth from the neighborhood

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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