Fussing Women

I was driving around in my parents’ car as I was going to a meeting today and I just happened to be scanning through the various Chicago radio station channels. I came across a hip-hop station that was talking about women who “fuss” in the home – translation: women who nag and give men a hard time.

It was pretty hilarious to hear some of the worldview of the secular world on this topic of marriage and relationships. A lady called in to “complain” about her husband who is irresponsible, never home, and constantly going out with his “homeboys.” Then the DJ invited callers to call in and try to give this woman some advice.

You would not believe some of the comments that were made over the radio… it was crazy!

I was pretty shocked that many of the callers (who happened to be men) blamed the woman for causing her husband not to be home and going out with his friends. The logic goes like this – “girl, if you’d stop the fussin’ then maybe your man would come home more often.” I was imagining all the men who were listening were shouting out “AMEN!” But as I was listening to the woman describe the situation, I could not help but to sympathize with her.

I am wondering how many women are frustrated with their husbands; and in their good intentions to try to change the situation, they end up having to play the role of the “mom” to her husband. This just reinforces the fact that we need to raise up godly men who will learn how to be responsible in their call to be a husband and a father. In this generation of skirting away from responsibility, it is always easier to blame someone.

As I share this, I realize I need to do more in my responsibilities and commitment to Christina and the kids. So women your fussing is valid but please give us, men a lot of grace – we need it.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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