The Ripple in the Hand

Jerry Uselmann - ripple in hand.jpg
I saw this picture on “HMCC Photographers” Facebook group. It really inspired me so I asked if I can get a copy of it. Then I found out that the photographer was the accomplished Jerry Uelsmann.

I looked through some of his works on his website. Some of his stuff was a little bit out there for me, but over all it was quite interesting. His use of lighting and the black/white tones are pretty incredible.

Even though HMCC’s logo is the ripple (which represents transformation – Ac 1:8) if it is not in the hands of God then it will not go very far.

Through this picture I was reminded that transformation is the Lord’s work and we are just joining Him for the ride. It is my sincere prayer that each one of us will experience that first ripple so that we can ripple out to the nations.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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