I finally received a response from Applebee’s, but it was not the response that I was looking for. In a strange way, I feel like it was one of those patent or standard answers that are given to e-mails that are sent with a complaint. Hmm… I guess the only way to see if they have really taken to heart what was shared is by a follow-up e-mail and a phone call.
Here is their response:
Dear Seth,
Thank you for your e-mail. Your comments have been brought to the attention of our Marketing team. We appreciate your concern and we want to make sure that your voice is heard. Thanks again.
If you have any other questions or comments, please give us a call at 888-59-APPLE.
Adam Linville
Guest Relations Coordinator
Well, I couldn’t resist so I replied back and made my point a little bit more “pressing.” In fact, I helped them to see that some of the other restaurants and fast food chains such as Wendy’s and McDonald’s have changed their menus because of the issue at hand.
Now the waiting game.
Some people might be thinking, “What is your problem Seth?! Just drop it.” But for some reason, I feel like I need to do this. I want my kids to grow up and know that when there is injustice or something that is not right that they need to speak out – that they can make a difference and bring transformation.
Personally, I am also wondering if one person can really make a difference. Can a lone voice really be heard?
Christina brought up a good idea – why don’t you have people sign a petition?
Well, maybe that is going too far – I am a pastor and I do have sermons to prepare and people to meet up with
I have confidence in the top leadership of Applebee’s and believe that this will be the only logical move. I will give it a few weeks.