Yesterday I decided to get back into my running to keep in shape. But due to all the travels in the last 4-5 weeks, I have not been able to run at all. Therefore, within the first 10 minutes of my run, I thought I was going to die. My body was totally out of sync.
Then it occurred to me that this is how our spiritual lives are when it comes to being in shape. There are times when we are out of sync spiritually. Many different factors attribute to the funk – sometimes it is our laziness, our busyness, disruptions, crisis in our lives, etc.
The best way to get out of the funk is to just start taking small steps in doing what we know we ought to do – reading the Bible, praying, serving people, etc.
So instead of running my normal speed and distance, I had to slow things down a bit and run less. I am hoping after all my travels that I will be back on rhythm.
Our spiritual lives, just like keeping in shape physically are based on rhythms and habits. We need to get into a good rhythm to keep growing and experiencing God in an intimate way.