iPhone Unlocked?!

Did you hear? A 17 year old from New Jersey named George Hotz unlocked the iPhone. Now, the iPhone can be used with a SIM card from T-Mobile or other carriers. The story was reported on FoxNews about the audacious feat.

Hotz decided to sell one of the unlocked iPhones on eBay and as of 5PM EST on Friday the bidding was well over $4,500. Can you believe it?

You can also read up about his journey on Hotz’s blog. I couldn’t help but to think about AT&T and what is going through their minds. They made a special deal with Apple to be the exclusive carrier for the iPhone, which was a great move on their part. They have even indicated that there was an increase in new service since the debut of the iPhone. But now with this new discovery their profits will not hit what they were projecting… ah, the uncertainty of the business world.

Here is the video of the 17 year old talking about his incredible accomplishment. Is it me or does this guys have a “David Koresh”-esque look… you got to love the hair.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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