It is very interesting to discover that a lot of the R&B singers today (and of the past) were once involved in their church choir. When we look even further into history, we will notice that some of the greatest music came from the Church. Some notable composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederic Handel, and Ludwig van Beethoven all had a high view of God and how He deserved their best.
In fact, Johann Sebastian Bach dedicated all his music to the glory of God. In 1708, Bach declared his ultimate purpose in life was to create “well-regulated church music to the glory of God.” He continued and said, “The aim and final reason of all music was none else but the glory of God.”
Whenever he started to compose a music piece, he initialed the blank manuscripts with “J.J.” which stood for “Jesu Juva” (“Help me, Jesus!”) or “I.N.J.” which meant “In Nomine Jesu” (“In the name of Jesus”). Then, when the manuscript was finished, Bach would initial it with “S.D.G.” which meant “Soli Deo Gloria” (“To God alone, the glory).
When Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) was first starting off in the late 1960’s, it was a response to God’s move within the Jesus People Movement. The music was set in the genre of rock music with Christian lyrics.
We have come a long way since then. Now we are seeing some artists and group cutting into the mainstream with some of their music. Not only is the quality getting better, but the words are speaking to the hearts of the listener.
In our generation we need to reclaim the Arts & Media. We need to see more Christians who will excel in music and the arts. Our generation has become the media generation. Think about the platform a Christian person would have if their music had a voice amongst the lost.
With the whole transformasphere movement and trying to engage in the CHARGED acronym, I am confident that God is going to raise up a generation of people who will reclaim the Arts & Media for God’s Kingdom.