Getting in the Game

People always say hindsight is 20/20. This is why we can always have a good perspective on our struggles and trials AFTER we go through it rather than during the trial.

This principle holds true for situations where there are no sacrifice or risks involved. What do I mean? Who are the ones complaining the most about a football game on Sunday or Monday morning (especially when their team loses to a Division 1-AA team)? Of course the players are disappointed and discouraged, but the ones complaining the most and even “suggesting” what their team “should have” done are the ones who are not on the actual playing field!

For the typical fan, there is no sacrifice or risk involved (maybe some humiliation). This is why they are so opinionated about how the team should have played. I am wondering what would happen if these people were allowed to play on the field. Can you imagine?

On one hand, some of them will never complain ever again because they realized it is not as easy as they thought while sitting on their nice recliners as they watch the game on their HDTV. Just one hit right on the chest from a linebacker will silence all criticism. On the other hand, there might be some people who might contribute a lot to the game because they have certain skills or abilities that no one ever discovered.

These kinds of people fill the church every Sunday. Have you ever heard complaints from people in the church? They talk about how things “should be” run and how certain things “should be” emphasized more. Something I found about theses people, even as I talk with other pastors about their churches is that they are usually the ones who rarely tithe, give and sacrifice. They also are the ones that do not get involved with serving as much. They are also very selective in what they participate in due to their own schedules and agendas.

I am wondering how things might change if some of them got in the game. Maybe (just possibly) they will realize that doing ministry is that not easy. Maybe they will see things from a different perspective. Maybe they will start realizing that they can contribute and make a difference for the “home team.”

Hmm… that would be revolutionary.

This coming Sunday people in HMCC of Ann Arbor will have an opportunity to get into the game. We will be having our Experiencing Ministry class. For those people who are covenant signing members, you are encouraged to take this class to start serving in our church. This year there are so many things that God is doing and even opening up doors for us as a church. None of these things can be accomplished without the full participation of the body of Christ (every member has to do their part).

Get in the game because the view from the field is pretty awesome and it might just inspire you to do something great for God.

Sign up for the Experiencing Ministry class here.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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