Prayer Summit 2008 Update 2

This morning I took some time to reflect as I looked out from the conference center into the beautiful lake. I keep on forgetting how much I enjoy quiet moments in nature. It is really inspiring for me. It helps me get connected to God as I thinking about God’s Greatness through all of His beautiful creation.

We finished off with several sessions of prayer. One of the best parts was when we broke off into groups of 3 or 4 and prayed for one another. We kept it real and shared honestly with one another and received prayer from one another. It was a powerful time of ministry. I was reminded once again about the burden that pastors and leaders carry on their shoulder.

Then in one of our last sessions before dinner we spend a good chunk of time reflecting on the cross of Jesus Christ and having the Gospel message ring true in our hearts once again.

More than anything else, the fellowship time with the various pastors and leaders in the county has been refreshing. It is always encouraging to know that there are other people in this county who have the same passion for Jesus and people who desire to see Jesus do great things.

Lastly, for some reason it is when I am away from the daily things of life that intensifies various revelations from the Lord. I have been jotting down a lot of my thoughts, ideas and convictions.
Michindoh Lake.JPG
The view of the lake in the morning… there was a slight fog
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Pastor Andrew spending some time in God’s Word
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We prayed for God’s anointing over us for a spirit of boldness and a heart for the lost
Kirk Schneeman.JPG
One of my good friends, Kirk Schneeman who pastors an awesome church called Frontline Church

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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