Abraham Piper introduced his father, John Piper at one of the Pastor’s Conferences that the Desiring God Ministries held back in February. Someone forwarded me the actual text and the video of Abraham’s introduction and it really moved me.
So often when a person is a public figure (especially pastors), it is easy to fool people about who you really are. The members just see you up on the stage live (or video) and think that you are larger than life. It is easy to hide behind the pulpit, put on a façade and present yourself a certain way. But it is the family members who know the real you. They see you every single day. They are able to cut through all the fluff and see your moments of weakness and frailty as a human being.
This is why when John Piper’s son introduced John Piper with so much respect and honor; it really showed that John Piper is the real deal both in public and in private. It is my prayer that one day my children will be able to speak of me with the same level of respect and honor. It is all about living a legacy and leaving a legacy. The story is being told every single day.
You can check out Abraham’s introduction video here.