Google Calendar for Destiny Campaign

I just signed up for prayer on various slot for the 40-Days to Destiny (40D2D) on the Google Calendar. It is going to be exciting to see many people in our church sign up for a prayer time slot. The 40-Days to Destiny will help focus the whole church (and even the alumni) to prepare ourselves to respond to God on April 13th.

We are heading into an incredible adventure and we have already resolved that without God, the destiny will not be actualized. As in the words of William Carey, we are “expecting great things from God, attempting great things for God.”

I have always been a big advocate for accountability. There is no greater accountability when it comes to prayer than to put your name on a public calendar and let people know at that specific time you are going to pray. I understand that some people will argue that Jesus taught us to do things in secret (which I whole heartedly agree with). But one thing we have to keep in mind is the context. The Destiny Campaign is not a personal journey for one person. It is a corporate journey, where the whole community of faith is involved. Therefore, when we think about the corporate prayer movement, we need to have some corporate accountability.

By publicly signing up for a prayer time slot, we are publicly being accountability to the corporate body. On a practical note, it is also encouraging to know that when you are praying for a timeslot that there are other people praying along with you in Spirit.

You can check out who’s signed up on the prayer calendar here.
If you have not heard about our Destiny Campaign, read about it on our Transformation Vision webpage.
“Attempt something so impossible that unless God is in it, it’s doomed to failure.” (John Haggai)

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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