Focus Retreat 2008

Focus Retreat 08.jpg
I am pumped for our annual single adult retreat. The Focus ministry will be going through some transitions and changes due to Pastor Ben heading down to Austin. But we have a lot of quality people lined up to take over the mantle of leadership.

This retreat in that sense will be critical as we try to move towards our new direction. During the college years we are dedicated to the radical formation of Christ followers. But then in the single adult life, we are praying for the radical fruits to show forth as people live out their faith in a radical way.

There is so much in store for the single adults in our church. It is my prayer that God will give us a clear direction for the future of the Focus ministry. It will start at this retreat as we gather together to hear God’s voice.

We want to get to the neXt level together.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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