Covenant Retreat 2008 Update

Our married couple’s retreat was a blessing. As the theme was centered around “Radically Committed,” we focused on being radically committed to Christ, to our spouse and to God’s Kingdom mission.

Phil and Barb Tiews did a phenomenal job of sharing from their 36 years of marriage experience. Their wisdom and their love for the Lord really ministered to our group. They even shared some vulnerable things that really allowed God to them to speak to us.

It was a joy for me to see all the married couples retreat focusing in on their marriages and just expressing their love to one another.

As we start off our new season of LIFE Groups next week, we have a lot of momentum to build the couple’s ministry. We excited about building our marriages, our families and our community.
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We fellowshipped together with some game and food
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Our morning session together
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We had breakout sessions where we collectively brainstormed together on various issues
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The Tiews ministering to some of our couples
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We were able to pray and bless the Tiews for their needs
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I am thankful for my friendship with the Tiews for the last 12 years – it really is a joy partnering and serving the Lord together for His Glory!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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