It was a great reunion when Christina and Josiah came back from Indianapolis. The kids really missed their mommy and believe it or not, they missed their brother.
I realized how important stability is in a home.
There were many times within the last couple of days, where KiKi would sometimes wonder and ask where mommy was or what mommy was doing. After the multiple reminders and trying to fill in that role of “mommy,” I realized that just have both parents in the home was what KiKi wanted.
I am constantly amazed at the things that Christina is able to do when I am away. Even though Christina plays a big role in our home, she even mentions that it is not the same when I am not at home.
I just don’t know how single parents do it. I have greater respect for them in trying to raise their children on their own.
Now, we are back to normalcy – no more staying up late, eating out, running around, leaving stuff on the ground, and etc. – mommy is back.