Everyday at 8:34AM EST on the Christian radio station they play a Gospel choir song that goes like, “Thank you, Je-sus…” After playing the chorus, the radio station gives out a number where people can call in and publicly give thanks to Jesus for something in their lives. Karissa and I go through this ritual […]
In Moderation
Christina has always been shouting out her mantra of “moderation, moderation, everything in moderation” to me for years. She has seen my extreme personality for the last 12+ years of marriage – whether it is getting into my coffee craze or my tea craze or my ESPN addiction, the list can go on and on. […]
Missing Mommy
It was a great reunion when Christina and Josiah came back from Indianapolis. The kids really missed their mommy and believe it or not, they missed their brother. I realized how important stability is in a home. There were many times within the last couple of days, where KiKi would sometimes wonder and ask where […]
Radical Love… Radical Lives
Tomorrow, I will be introducing our theme for the 2008-2009 year. If there is ever a theme or a message that I would want to preach on, this would be it. In many ways, this is my testimony and the testimony of many people in our church. Once a person has […]
Playing Mr. Mom
For the next few days I will be playing the role of Mr. Mom. Christina went to Indianapolis with Josiah for his premiere league soccer tournament, so I am at home with Elliot and KiKi. Christina and I are realizing that Josiah’s soccer is going to take some major commitments, as he will be traveling […]
Fireproof Your Marriage
Tonight our LIFE Group did an activity together. We decided to watch the new Fireproof movie. Since we are a married couples group and the movie was about a marriage, we thought it would be a good idea to see it. This movie was made by the same church that made […]
Saying Good-Bye
This afternoon I met up with one of our church members. The person sent me an e-mail about wanting to meet up before they left for their new job position in another city. Even though life is busy, whenever it is one of those “last” meetings, I try to make it a priority to meet […]
Funeral Procession
Today, as I was studying at Panera Bread I glanced out the window and notice a funeral procession. I don’t know how many cars were part of the procession but I counted at least 30 cars. This got me thinking. I have always told our church members that you know how a person lived their […]
Conclusion of “Our Journey” Series
Tomorrow, we will be concluding our Sunday Sermon series called, “Our Journey.” It has been helpful to look at the life of Moses and see how God was authoring the salvation story through a man who had his fair share of weaknesses. But isn’t this the testimony of so many people, […]
2008 H-Games
Tomorrow we are going to have our annual H-Games as a whole church. This is one event that all the different lifestages come together for. I enjoy it because this is where we can have some great fellowship and fun together as a church. It is interesting to see some of […]
Faith and God’s Honor
Recently, in some of my reflections and meditations, I have been thinking a lot about the relationship between God’s glory and faith. I have been trying to wrestle with the idea that somehow God receives a lot of glory and praise when His people live a life of faith. Faith is a crazy thing. When […]
Child Protégé and Training
I am always inspired by kids who seem to have a natural talent or gift for something. It is incredible to see how they can use their gifts at that particular age. In fact, someone forwarded me one of Oprah’s shows on the World’s Smartest Kids on the internet. It is truly fascinating. So this […]
Why People Procrastinate
Bob Alexander in his article, “Why People Procrastinate,” shares his insights on why people procrastinate. He starts off by giving “A Procrastinator’s Creed.” Alexander shares that it might be one or all of the following: 1) I firmly believe if I ignore something long enough it will cease to exist. 2) Anything worth doing is […]
Heroes T.V. Series
I have never watched a single episode of Heroes, until tonight. Today was the big premiere of season three. Christina has always been a fan of this T.V. series; therefore I decided to join her tonight. I would always hear about how good this series is from her and other people, […]