Lessons from a Mandarin Orange

Mandarin Oranges.jpg
The Fruit Company
Our family really enjoys eating fruit. Recently, we have discovered the pamelo fruit – absolutely delicious! It is good to know that they plentiful of this fruit in the S.E. Asia area.

But one fruit that will always be one of our favorites is the Mandarin orange. It is easy to peel and very addictive. A person cannot just eat one.

Usually when we are able to get them from an Asian market, the quality is pretty good – juicy and sweet. But trying to get them at the local Kroger or Meijer grocery store is a hit or a miss. It is sometimes difficult to find the perfect batch of Mandarin oranges.

Recently, the ones that we have purchased have been 50/50 in terms of quality. I try my best to look at the outer peel and the firmness of the orange. It has usually worked for me to ensure that I will not get a bad one. But once in awhile there are those oranges that are pretty bad to eat and I just end up throwing them away.

There is a bowl full of oranges on the dining table. I went through my method of picking the orange by the feel of the peel (hey that rhymes). But for some reason all the ones that looked good ended up being pretty bad tasting oranges. There were also some older and mushy looking oranges in the bowl. As I was about to throw them out, I decided to give them a taste.

Then I was reminded of a learned lesson.

Sometimes the ones that look good on the outside are usually not that good… but the ones that might not look too good on the outside are the ones that are good.

Ah, the principles of life.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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