Photo by Fitness Walking Guide
Routine and I have a love-hate relationship. I am an enigma when it comes to routine, structure and order. There is a side of me that desperately cries out for things to be put nicely into “systems.” But there is another side of me that despises anything that remotely reminds me of monotony.
In fact, I find myself being more spontaneous than anything else. This of course drives the people who are the closest to me up the wall. Sometimes the unpredictability can be refreshing as well as frustrating. I always flow back and forth from fluidity to stability and vice versa.
In the last several months, a lot of the routine went out the door due to some of the unexpected things that came into my life. I have learned the importance of flexibility and also about faith without having a clear routine.
There are times when we can plan and structure things all we want, but at the end of the day, things are really in the hands of the Lord. Instead of trying to manipulate things, we have to learn how to trust in Him and His plans for us.
This has been a hard lesson to learn, but nevertheless it is something that every Christ-follower has to go through.
The last thing a person wants to do is go through the routines of life, especially when it seems as if everything is falling apart. Chaos settles in and all we can do is just hold on. But this morning I was able to get back into the flow of things and for some reason, it felt really good to have a routine again. I am wondering if this is the rhythm of life – the ebb and flow that we need to bring a sense of sanity in a chaotic world.
In the last several months, several of my routines in life were thrown off. Some days, I just did not want to do anything. Today, I experienced God’s grace as I was able to be productive because of following my regular routine.
In this season of life, I am thankful for routine. Oh routine, how I love you! But things might change 🙂