Epic College Retreat 2011


Photo from flickr.com
It is hard to believe that HMCC in Ann Arbor has had a retreat every year in the last 15 years. After several years of growth, we started to have a retreat just for the college students. As I reflect back on the various retreats we have had in our church’s history, all I can conclude is that God has been faithful in transforming lives.

It is at these retreats where we have seen people give their lives to Christ for the first time. It is always encouraging to hear how the Holy Spirit moved in the person’s heart during the worship time or how God spoke to them through the Word to convict them of their need for Jesus. It is at these retreats where we have seen people make some life-altering decisions. It is at these retreats where we have see people experience freedom and healing for the first time.

These are good reminders that it is truly the work of God that can change a person’s heart.

As we embark on another college retreat, it is my hope and prayer that God will meet us in a powerful way. The theme for this year’s retreat is, “Epic.”

We decided to use this theme because the journey of following Christ is really an epic journey. It has its highs and lows, its challenges and victories, its joys and pain, but at the end, we know that it is a journey that we all long to endeavor in our lifetime.

For many of these college students, they are just starting their epic journey with God. I am excited that we, as a community of faith will have the privilege of pointing people towards their God-given path. I cannot wait to hear the great testimonies that will come forth from this three day journey at Gull Lake Retreat Center.

May the epic journey begin.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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