New Encounter 2011

  From HMCC Publication Team       We are starting another season of ministry to the college students at University of Michigan. God is doing some amazing things and we are just joining Him for the ride. With this new crop of students, we are praying that they will experience God in a powerful […]

Problem of the Human Heart

  Photo by       It has been interesting to read up on the cheating scandals of teachers from Atlanta to Philadelphia. It was reported that 178 principals in Atlanta were accused of cheating. Also, schools in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C. are under investigation. You would never imagine a teacher whose main […]

Daddy & Daughter

  It has been interesting to see the reactions of my two boys and my daughter when I came back from my 5 week missions trip. Even though Josiah and Elliot were happy to have me back, the outward expression of Karissa has been different from the boys. Maybe this is why people say that […]

Asia Update #3 – 7.2011

  Pastor Andrew and I finally found an internet cafe here in Lampung. I keep on forgetting how loud internet cafes are, especially when there are a lot of internet gaming going on. Even as I am writing this blog post, I am surrounded by all these young people (10-14 year olds) playing online shooting […]

Worship Leaders’ Reflections

  The great thing about being on this Asia Missions Team is hanging out with people from the different HMCC churches. As people were resting, I had some downtime with the worship leaders of HMCC-AA and HMCC-JKT. Worship is definitely a passion of mine therefore; it was great talking about various things related to worship. […]

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