What is God Looking For?

  Photo from visualphotos.com       I still remember the talk that I had with our associate pastor at HMCC of Ann Arbor. We were in the midst of trying to finalize a list of candidates for our leadership team, but then we went on a rabbit trail. Yes, I confess. Rabbit trails are […]

The Reward of Reading

  Photo on backtothebestbooks.com       Recently, the kids and I had a talk. We decided that throughout the summer they will read a handful of key books in exchange for their allowance. I first got this idea from John Maxwell, the leadership guru. I heard a talk that he gave about how his […]

Why New York City?

        Some of you might have already heard about the possibility of starting a HMCC LIFE Group in New York City this summer, which will hopefully turn into a church plant one day. One thing I value very highly is the dissemination of information. To be more exact, I value the dissemination […]

A Sinner’s Song

  Back in 2008, I was introduced to a song called, “Healer” by our worship team. When I first heard the song, there was something about it that gripped me. Not only was the words of the song powerful, but I realized that there was an anointing on it. Therefore, I told the worship team […]

Paramount Sermon Series

  Photo by HMCC-AA Publication Team       I am so excited to start a whole new sermon series on the Book of Colossians throughout the months of May through August. It has been awhile since we have systematically studied a whole book together on Sundays. But the more I began to pray through […]

Another Run for the Bulls

  In the 1980’s, I grew up watching the Chicago Bulls. After being drafted third overall by the Bulls in 1984, Michael Jordan stormed the NBA. The 1990’s was a special era for the Bulls. Not only did they achieve the best single season record in the NBA (72 wins), but they had two 3-peats […]

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