I just recently finished reading Greg Ogden’s book, Transforming Discipleship. I was given this book for free to provide a review; therefore, since I enjoy reading and the topic is something that I am passionate about (anything with the word “transform” has my attention [smile]), I decided to write some things […]
Same Song but a Different Time
One of our church members forwarded me a music video of the 25th Anniversary of the song, “We are the World.” The original song was released on March 1985 which was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie; and it was produced by the legendary Quincy Jones. In hopes of bringing awareness and also […]
Jesus Is…
Designed by HMCC Publications All the HMCC churches try to do at least two sermon series together within a year in order to have unity across all the different sites. Several months ago, the global pastors and I spent some time trying to decide on our Easter sermon series. The more […]
Asia Update #5 – 3.2011
Here are some final thoughts and reflections from my 8 days out here in Asia. The journey started in Hong Kong and ended in Jakarta with an incredible stop in between to Singapore. God is definitely doing some extraordinary things out here. God is on the move and He is challenging us to follow Him […]
Asia Update #4 – 3.2011
As I am concluding my trip to Indonesia, there are a flurry of thoughts running through my mind. I was in Karawaci for only a day and a half and in Yogjakarta for another 1.5 days. Though my trip out to Indonesia was very short, I was able to see many things that reaffirmed […]
Asia Update #3 – 3.2011
Right now, it is hard to describe everything that I am feeling and to put it in words. All I know is that my trip to Singapore this time around has been probably one of the best trips for me in the last 4-5 years. There was something about this trip that was […]
Asia Update #2 – 3.2011
I just finished off my time in Hong Kong and I am now in Singapore. As I have been reflecting on the last several days here in Asia, my heart is just overwhelmed with thankfulness. Not only do I have the privilege of seeing first-hand all that God is doing in this region, but […]
Asia Update #1 – 3.2011
I arrived in Hong Kong safely on late Tuesday night. Even though it was late, I had dinner with an HMCC alum and I had the opportunity to meet someone who is making a difference for Christ in the music industry. They are the real deal. There is definitely a shift that is happening […]
Marks of Spiritual Health
Photo on garagefly.com Recently, I had to get my car fixed. In fact, I probably should have fixed it awhile ago because it was making a lot of noise. But you know how it goes – I didn’t have the time and I didn’t have the necessary funds. When I finally […]
Five Lessons from the Fab Five
Photo by nytimes.com On Sunday night, ESPN did a special on the 1991-1993 University of Michigan basketball team known as the Fab Five. The team was made up of five starting freshmen, who were all top 100 high school prospects (4 of them were in the top 10). They stormed on […]
Jesus Loves the Church
Photo on unicef.org Whenever I have an opportunity to talk about the Church, Christ’s Bride, I always get very passionate. Even with all its flaws and weaknesses, I still believe the Church is the only organization that can really transform the world. It was God’s plan from the beginning that through […]
To A Code of Honor
Photo from Flickr I don’t know if you have heard about the “big news” that came out of Brigham Young University (BYU) recently, but it has definitely made a lot of people raise their eyebrows. To bring you up to speed if you haven’t heard the news, BYU dismissed Brandon Davies, […]
More Than I Deserve
So far, this week has been very interesting. Christina went away for three days with a few of her good college friends, so I was given the lone responsibility of watching our kids. This time away for Christina took months of planning. I realized that trying to coordinate everyone’s schedule is […]
Global Access Retreat 2011
Back in August 2010 (before this school year got started), God gave us vision. As we were in prayer, God made it clear to us that this coming year, one of the things that He wanted us to focus on was the international community. A phrase that came forth was, the […]