Missions Week 2013


Designed by HMCC-AA Publications Team
This year’s theme for Missions Week is “Everyone. Everywhere.” Too often people see missions as something that only a select few get involved with or it has to be somewhere overseas, but this is a myth. All throughout the New Testament, we see that missions is something that every Christ-follower is called to do. Also, missions is supposed to happen wherever we are, no matter the boundaries.

It is my hope and prayer that every person in HMCC will see missions as something that “everyone” has a role to play and it is to be carried out “everywhere,” especially in our campuses, workplaces, and communities.

Our greatest example is Jesus Christ.

He came to this earth with a mission. Jesus presented the message of the Kingdom that was for “everyone” and it was to spread “everywhere” so that nations can be reached. Now, we participate in God’s mission because He has called us for a greater purpose.

I am looking forward to all the great testimonies that will come out of this week. God is going to ignite the fire for His mission to “everyone” so that we can bring the Gospel “everywhere” for His glory.

Will you join us?

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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