Photo Credit: Adventure Works Africa
By God’s grace, we have passed the 2-year mark as a church plant; and we will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary this coming September. What we have seen God do in our church in the last 2.5 years is nothing short of a miracle. We have seen many people place their faith in Jesus Christ for the first time, as well as many rededication of lives to Christ and His mission. Lives have been transformed and we are still in the process of being transformed even more to the likeness of Christ.
I am so grateful for all the prayer partners and financial supporters who have made God’s vision a reality here in Hong Kong.
The vision and mission that God has given us from our inaugural Sunday Celebration back in September 2015 until now, has not changed, but instead, it has only deepened and developed. This coming year we have invited the highest number of non-church plant team members into our leadership team. As I look at the new leaders, I am so encouraged. They have all experienced God’s transformative work through our church and they are people that we have invested in and raised up in the last couple of years. This is the joy of seeing the fruit of your investment.
Our leadership summit which will be held next week will be a pivotal part of God’s greater work in our church. With all the new leaders, we need to stay focused and commit to effectively training our team. Since “everything rises and falls with leadership,” we want to make sure that we raise up a new generation of leaders who are willing to radically follow Christ and finish the mission. We would greatly appreciate your prayers because without God’s power we will not be able to do anything.
Our leadership community is called, “TEAM Community.” Not only are we a team of servants, but we want to commit to training our leaders with four specific components:
- Teaching. Good leaders always know the why’s and they are constantly in the learning mode so that they can competently fulfill their calling as a leader. We want to teach our leaders how to be more effective in understanding and applying biblical principle into their lives and in their LIFE Groups.
- Equipping. Many leaders are not effective in their calling because they are not thoroughly equipped with the tools that they need to lead God’s people well. This coming year, we want to continue to equip our leaders with needed resources, as well as practical skills so that they effectively lead their LIFE Groups.
- Accountability. Leaders must have good accountability so that they can be above approach as they serve. It is vital that leaders are being challenged to grow in their character and their obedience to God’s Word. We are praying that our leaders will set examples of following Christ so that others can follow.
- Mentoring. It’s helpful to have people who have traveled on the journey a little bit longer and further than us. Some things in leadership are more “caught” than “taught,” therefore, good mentorship with people who are a bit more seasoned is needed. I’m excited to see our older leaders mentor our younger leaders.
I am confident that with God’s grace, HMCC-HK will see a lot of great things happen in this new season of ministry. More than ever, we need to be dependent and empowered by God. With each year, we always see a new batch of leaders and it warms my heart to think that I get the privilege of influencing and training them. The lifelong calling of making Jesus famous is something that gets me up in the morning. It never gets old.