What a long day! The family and I just came back from a day-long soccer tournament. Josiah made the Ann Arbor Arsenal Premier traveling team. They had teams from all over the state of Michigan. Some even drove as far as 3-4 hours to make it to this tournament. In all honesty, it was pretty intimidating to see all the “hardcore” soccer moms and dads. They even had umbrellas that matched the team’s colors!
I have to confess something. I had to try really hard to fight some of the thoughts and emotions that I was feeling today. Some of these families came from very wealthy homes – you could tell not only by the cars that were in the parking lot but by the soccer equipment that they had. I guess there is this whole soccer aura or persona. You can just tell that for some of these families, soccer is their whole life. Some of these teams were on a totally different level.
Then I began to think to myself – “If only we had more money to invest in Josiah’s soccer endeavors… if only I had more time to practice with him… if only Josiah was faster… IF ONLY…”
After Josiah’s team lost both games, I couldn’t help but to glance over to the cemetery that was about 50 yards from the soccer field. Then it hit me pretty hard – “Seth, life is more than soccer!” We will all die one day but the question is – what do we want to be known for? I realized that if Josiah and our other children can be known as people that loved God and loved people, then it will make life worthwhile… definitely more worthwhile than winning a soccer tournament.