There are times when you just need to take a step back and realize all the great things that God is doing. Yesterday, we saw God do what He does best – transform lives. I am so privileged to pastor people who are passionate about God’s Kingdom. They are so passionate that they did whatever it took to make Easter Sunday Celebration a success.
Many of our members put in long hours into the various presentations and set up for the celebration. Some of the statistics are still coming in but I am confident that many people committed and re-committed their lives to Christ – truly a “yea God” moment!
This is a testimony to the fact that church is not a building, but a community of people who are in love with Jesus and who are passionate about seeing many more people join in on the fun. We transformed the historical Michigan Theater into a “holy ground” where the Holy Spirit was able to work in the hearts of people.
Hmm… maybe we can have all our Sunday Celebrations here – it would be free advertisement!