Last night we had a great time of worship and we had a timely word delivered by Pastor Bruce from Remnant Westside. We were reminded to “take up our crosses” which should not be a negative thing, but it should remind us of our positional identity in Christ. Christ took our cross and therefore it reminds us of Christ’s love for us.
The main thrust of the night was the challenge of learning to fall in love with Christ again. It was a sweet time of soaking up His Presence. God prepared the table for us and we are just feasting abundantly in His Presence. It was a great way to start the conference.
Then some of the lead pastors of the various AMI churches went out to have “table fellowship” (a.k.a. Denny’s which is open 24 hours). We talked about everything from our PDA phones, 80’s music, $2.7 million, our children, our wives wanting us to eat more healthy… hmm.
It is great hanging out with people whose hearts are set on Kingdom things.
Being in God’s Presence through worship
Pastor Bruce preaching the Word