Alumni Network

After I got back from my whirlwind summer tour, I was convinced that what we are trying to do here in Ann Arbor is really worth it. God reignited my heart for investing in the alumni who are now making ripples throughout the world.

One morning, I was in Singapore’s airport having an early breakfast with a handful of former members. It was so encouraging to hear some of the things that they were doing for Christ. Then in Indonesia, I was hosted by a former member and her family and it really blessed my heart. I saw how they are trying to live out the principles of transformation in their part of the world. I just got this sense that it will be great to stay connected.

It was from there I was thinking to myself, what it would it be like if more of our graduating members would go back to their hometown or home country and then connect with one another. We would be able to see a movement of transformation with people who have tasted the goodness of God while they were here in Ann Arbor.

Some years back during a graduation weekend, we had a luncheon for a group of graduating seniors (it was the first time we did this). It was at that meeting where I shared the vision of this alumni network all over the world. I gave 5 specific purposes for this network:

1) COMMUNICATION – to be able to keep the church informed about what some of our alumni were doing all over the world. Also, to keep the alumni informed of what is happening here in Ann Arbor.

2) CONNECTION – to be able to connect former members with “new” former members in specific cities and countries. It is always encouraging to be able to tell graduating seniors that there are other former HMCC members in that particular city. I have heard of some great testimonies where the older former members helping out the newbies. This is the HMCC hospitality spirit that is still alive and well.

3) COMMUNITY – to be able to have a greater sense of community with the HMCC family. What we have experienced here in Ann Arbor is unique and it is hard to replicate. In this way, we have shared something special. It will be great to continue to build this world-wide community. It is kind of like the U of M alumni association. I have heard that it is one of the largest and greatest in the world!

4) COOPERATION – to be able to share various resources with one another and also to equip the alumni with materials that can be useful to their ministry no matter where they are. We are in the process of trying to get some materials out to you guys, whether it is bible studies, videos or other resources. It is exciting to build God’s Kingdom together. Therefore if we all jump in the pool together, the splash will be bigger! How fun is that?

5) CHURCH PLANTING – to be able to pray and strategize together to plant churches in various cities and nations. The church is the only organization that can transform the world. It has to be a visible display and a viable demonstration of God’s love. Therefore, we need to continue to plant more life-giving churches all over the world. Especially in international cities where there is a college campus. When we transform a campus, we will transform a community… and when we transform a community, we will transform a city… and when we transform a city, we will transform the world.

I pray that you will be part of the world-wide movement of HMCC alumni that are doing some incredible things. We would love to hear some of your stories and how God is using you to bring transformation in your part of the world.

There are two things we are trying to do right now:

1) Get all the alumni to check out our new website. We are in the process of getting an alumni section in there so that we can connect with one another.

2) Have all the alumni sign-up and update their contact information.

I can’t wait for a big reunion in the future. It is going to be a blast. We will probably laugh together, cry together and give holy high-fives to one another 🙂

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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