Rose Bowl ’07

There is a lot on the line for this year’s Rose Bowl. Not only is Blue pride on the line, but my pastoral pride. A couple of weeks ago, Pastor Graydon Jessup from Eastside Christian Church in California wagered a “friendly pastoral” bet. If USC wins the Rose Bowl, then this coming Sunday I will […]

In the Airport on New Year’s Eve

It is official! My flight got delayed; therefore I will be 30,000 feet in the air when the new year arrives. I am a bit sad that I could not usher it in with my family. There are still a lot of air travelers at the airport. I am just wondering about their stories – […]

Ushering in 2007

I am a bit saddened by the fact that there is a possibility that I will be ushering in the New Year on the plane. My flight will get into DTW around 11:40PM. But if there is a delay then there is a good probability. There will be people that I do not know and […]

Wedding in December

We came back from the youth retreat on Friday, late evening and then in the morning we had to get ready for Pastor Andrew and Nickey’s wedding. It was a crazy last 4-5 days, but what a day to have a wedding – high 40’s, low 50’s in December! At every wedding there is an […]

The Pursuit of Happyness

I was able to watch the highly touted movie starring Will Smith and his son (his real one). Several reminders that came forth from the movie: 1) I was reminded about the lengths that a parent will go through for their children. It is the father’s love and the father’s heart that will sacrifice everything […]

A Party in Heaven

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7 NIV) “Count on it—that’s the kind of party God’s angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God.” (Luke 15:10 MSG) […]

Still Reaching the Youth

The retreat has been going well. Tonight, the Spirit of God was moving in the hearts of the students as I talked about the importance of biblical community in our lives. At first, I wondered if I would be able to connect with the youth of today. But as I have been sharing my life […]

Retreat for Small Churches

The family and I are at a retreat right now in Wisconsin. After brunch with some good pastor friends and their families, our family headed out to Wisconsin. For some reason the drive was really long. I don’t know how you feel about the online maps (Google Maps, Mapquest, etc) but for some reason they […]

Blessed Christmas 06

Before the craziness of this day, I just wanted to take some time and say, “Merry Christmas” to all of you. I know that many of you will be spending time with your families, but I am particularly remembering those people that will be alone during this time. You are loved and remembered! For us, […]

Various Churches, The Same Message

Today was one of those days where we had a “free” Sunday. Therefore we decided to visit a church that Christina and I used to visit during my seminary years. Yup, for the record – Christina and I (when we were courting) used to sometimes go to church service for our date nights! Back in […]

Breaking Tradition

The Kim family is usually good about open presents on December 25th, but this year due to various circumstances, we had to open up the presents last night (3 days before Christmas). We started off with a b-day cake and sang happy birthday to Jesus. Then we gathered all the presents together. Since we like […]

Vietnamese First-Timers

Christina and I are so appreciative of my parents. They gave up a lot of prior engagements in Chicago to watch the kids while we were in Kenya. Before we left for Chicago, we had dinner together. We were trying to decide where to go – you have to remember that in Ann Arbor we […]

The Face Reveals Everything

I wish you could have seen the look on KiKi’s face when Christina and I walked through the door. Not only was she smiling and yelling out “daddy, mommy” but she was jumping up and down in elation. Then when the boys came home from school, they heard our voices. They ran upstairs to greet […]

Back from Kenya

The team and I arrived this afternoon. It was a pretty interesting plane ride from Nairobi to Amsterdam. As we were an hour or so into the flight, there was a plea from the intercom asking if there was a doctor on the flight. Uh, we just finished our “medical” missions trip with some health […]

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