Kenya Update 8

We spent time doing some R&R today. We headed out to Lake Nakuru National Park to enjoy God’s creation. The park was filled with animals that co-existed peacefully with Land Rovers and Land Cruisers. It was quite an experience. In fact, the movie, The Lion King was refresh in our minds, as we saw the […]

Kenya Update 7

Before we left Kapsowar, some of the staff of the hospital threw a farewell feast for us. Once again it is just humbling to see the generosity and gratitude in the hearts of the people at the hospital. Instead of blessing them, they continually blessed us. It was a hard saying our goodbyes to everyone. […]

Kenya Update 6

  It was a good feeling to be able to walk to church today. The AIC Kapsowar Church was right next to the hospital. The service lasted for 3 hours! But the time went so quickly. It was a special Sunday because they divided up the church according to various life stages – youth, single […]

Kenya Update 5

It was a little bit weird celebrating Christmas in 70 degree weather without any snow on the ground (I guess this is what Californians go through every Christmas). We participated in a Christmas party for the staff at the hospital. It was a great time of fellowshipping and playing games with the people on the […]

Kenya Update 4

We spent the last two days in the valley (more rural than Kapsowar). On Wednesday, we took off for the valley in the late morning and spent a day and half ministering to the Pokot people. Before we left, we were warned of some of the dangers in the area. Five years ago, the Pokot […]

Kenya Update 3

There is a saying that people use quite often – “It is like riding a bike.” It means that once you have learned how to ride a bike you will always know how to ride one, even though you have not been on one for a long time. This principle applies for a lot of […]

Kenya Update 2

It was a beautiful morning. I realized that in the States we miss out on the beauty of God’s creation because we are just too busy to stop and notice. After our morning devotions and breakfast, we got a tour of the hospital. It is just amazing to see how much they can do with […]

Kenya Update 1

We arrived in Nairobi safely in the evening after a long day of travel. We had a hard time trying to get all of our luggage from the baggage claim. In fact, there was one bag that did not come on the plane. We ended filing a lost luggage claim. We stay the night at […]

Africa Team at the Airport

Wow! Transporting 9 people and checking in 18 bags (this is minus the carry-on’s) was quite the experience. We are now just waiting for our flight to Nairobi via Amsterdam. It was truly God’s grace that allowed us to get so much medicine at a low cost. I think 75% of the bags were filled […]

Saying Bye to the Kids

This morning, Christina and I said bye to the kids as they headed out to school. After dropping the boys off, I think the reality of being separated from them really hit me hard. Can I trust God to take care of the kids while Christina and I are gone for 12 days? Do I […]

Boys in the Kitchen?

Now that my parents are here there are a lot of “stuff” that might be potential landmines. One thing that my mom had strong views about was the fact that my brother and I should not be in the kitchen. I know what some of you are thinking… “man, is that sexism and male chauvinism […]

To Stay or To Go

I don’t know if you have heard of the recent news about James Kim, a senior editor of CNET. I really enjoyed some of his reviews on various gadgets, therefore it was a bit sad to hear that he passed away. It really made me think about the dilemma he was in. What would I […]

Finished Packing

I just came back from our last Africa Missions team meeting. We spent some time in prayer and then finished off on our packing. Time has gone by so quickly in the last 2 months. It is hard to believe that we will be taking off for Kenya in about 2 days. Whenever I pack […]

Picked Up the Grandparents

Today, I flew out to Chicago (one way) and then picked up my car (I left it here from the Friday fiasco) and I went to pick up my parents to go to Ann Arbor with me. They have graciously volunteered to help watch our kids while we will be going to Kenya, Africa. It […]

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