A Book that Expresses the Heart

One of my favorite things to do is to read – believe it or not! My perfect vacation would be staying at a hotel on a beach somewhere and then I have the freedom to watch ESPN and to read a good book with the ocean air blowing on my face. I try to read […]

Project Snowflake

The Creative Worship Team and with the help of the Arts Department in our church came out with a Christmas CD. This has been a dream of our church to see people using their gifts and talents for the Lord and also somehow connecting it to the greater vision of God’s Kingdom. Therefore, it encouraged […]

A Phrase to Ponder On

This past month, during one of my prayer times, the Lord placed this phrase in my heart – “multiple churches in multiple communities and campuses.” We are entering into a new era of the Church. The more I look at the Book of Acts, the more I am noticing how the early Church brought the […]

Business and Missions

I was picked up at the airport and I ended up going directly to a meeting with some guys in our church that started up a company called, Rain Capital. It was a bit humbling to be sitting around a table with some UM Business School graduates and a professor at UM’s Ross Business School. […]

Prayer Driving

After our prayer gathering and some time of fellowship, a couple of us decided to drive down to University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC). We drove around the campus and I ended up getting a mini-tour. It was just eye-opening to see the great need on this campus. Even though the campus is known for being a […]

Renewing Our Hearts for Prayer

We had a great time in finishing off our last ACCESS gathering for this semester in Chicago. I reviewed everything we covered this semester in our series, “Training for Transformation.” It just reminded me once again the need for doing ministry with a clear vision and purpose. Once in awhile in our church, after some […]

Enjoying the Drive

The more we realize that we are not in control, the more we learn how to trust in God. Due to the snowstorm throughout the Midwest in last couple of days, many flights today were canceled. I tried to get another flight with other airlines but got the same results – they were all canceled. […]

Another Season, Another Christmas Wish List

Early on in our family as the children were able to understand the significance of receiving presents, we came up with a method to help the children stay focused during the Christmas season. It is easy to get caught up in all the commercial aspects of the season that we forget the true “reason for […]

Simple Pleasures

After dinner we went out to Coldstone’s Creamery (our family’s favorite). Christina ended up getting an internet coupon for – buy one, get one free! When else can we enjoy ice cream in 60’s degree weather at the end of November. This is truly one of the simple pleasures in life.   Enjoying some good […]

Girls Wanting Protection?

Before I clarify on the title of this entry, I need to make some disclaimers: 1) This is just an observation that I made in the context of a personal experience 2) This is a generalization and I know there are people that do not always fit the generalization 3) I am not a sexist […]

Christmas Tree Tradition

Since the weather has been so nice lately, our family decided to grill some hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner. After dinner, we played some Christmas music and put up the Christmas tree together. About four years, we decided to make our tree into a “tree of the nations.” Instead of putting up “regular” ornaments, we […]

Another Lesson from the Airport

Since we only had one service in Ann Arbor, we decided to see if we can catch the earlier flight that was leaving at 1:35PM (instead of our normal 3:11PM flight). When we got to the airport, we found out that the earlier flight was sold out and we were placed on standby. When I […]

A Night Out in Evanston

Right after Thanksgiving, the Christmas season is officially ushered in… well, at least for the commercial stores. I remember when the department stores first put up the Christmas season decoration many years ago during the week of the Thanksgiving holidays. I recall feeling as if it was a bit too early, but now it is […]

The Day after the Turkey

We met at Alex (Christina’s younger brother) and Ginny’s place for our Thanksgiving Dinner gathering. We had family from both sides of the family – well, it was really 3 sides of the family – The Kim family (my side), the Chung family (Christina’s side) and the Bruce family (my brother-in-law’s wife’s side). It was […]

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