Planning for Thanksgiving

The only place open right now for free wireless is Panera Bread (my 3rd office). Our family will be heading out to Christina’s brother’s place for Thanksgiving. We are going to have both sides of the family gather together for the Thanksgiving meal. Sometimes it is so hard to plan out for a simple meal, […]

Two Minutes Over

Parking is horrendous in Chicago’s downtown. First of all, if you want to find a metered parking space, you might as well just forget about it – not only because of the lack of space but because of the number of quarters you have to put in. Secondly, the parking spaces that are opened are […]

Chillin’ at Navy Pier

We continued in our family adventure as we headed out to Navy Pier today. God blessed us with some great weather. We ended up at the Children’s Hands-On Museum and spent some time there. The kids had a lot of fun. I realized that kids learn best from being able to use all of their […]


I remember seeing a car bumper sticker that read, “Eracism.” At first I didn’t get it, but then after some thought, I realized that the driver of the car was promoting the “erasing” or “eradication” of racism that is prevalent in America and across the world. Racism is not just limited to the majority. There […]

All the Fishes in the World

Yesterday we headed out to the Shedd Aquarium near downtown Chicago. I found out that Mondays and Tuesday are what they call “free” days. I write, “free” in quotes because if you really want to see the good stuff, you still have to pay (ah, the wisdom of marketing). It was incredible to see all […]

Family Visit

Due to the Thanksgiving break, our family is all in Chicago right now. We were talking about what we wanted to do with our time together (the whole week). The talk about visiting museums, eating good food and spending time with grandpa and grandma came up. But one of our kids said, “It would be […]

Color of Our Emotions

        I am excited to start this new series. It is right around this time when our emotions affect the best of us – whether it is due to the holiday season or due to the various things we are going through in our lives. The colors we display are: 1) Green […]

Things Affecting Us

Two questions were asked of me recently (one this past week in China and the other about 10 minutes ago): 1) When Michigan loses a game, does Sunday worship service get affected? 2) Honey, do you remember when you used to get so depressed when the Chicago Bulls lost a game? My response to both […]

Balancing Life

One of the things I enjoy doing when I get back from my missions trips or conferences is to reunite with my family over dinner. I guess it has been an unspoken tradition over the years. Today, I allowed the kids to choose where they wanted to go and eat with dad. I try to […]

Trip Update

It was a bit difficult to get on a computer due to security reasons. The last two days have been crazy. As soon as we arrived in town, we checked into the hotel. Then the next morning, we did a quick tour of the city. It is incredible how quickly the city keeps on changing […]

Vietnam Update 7

We are headed out for Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in a couple of hours. Pastor Ben will be coming back to the States while some of the other AMI pastors and I will be going to Shanghai. Yesterday, as we were waiting for everyone to meet downstairs for dinner, I struck up a conversation […]

Vietnam Update 6

First of all, I just wanted to thank all of you who have been praying for us. God is good and He has been answering your prayers. Yesterday, Pastor Keith met up with the former Ambassador of France. It was truly a God thing! The ambassador has committed himself in opening doors for us, as […]

Vietnam Update 5

We walked around the city of Hanoi this morning and afternoon. Hanoi is definitely a different city than Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Hanoi is more of a governmental city, while HCMC is the business center of Vietnam. There is unquestionably more openness to spiritual things in HCMC. But as some of the team members […]

Vietnam Update 4

We landed in Hanoi this morning and we were greeted by some workers in the unregistered church (underground church). We quickly checked into the hotel and then went out for lunch. The place that we went to was a culinary school that was run by a person who was open to Christianity. It was encouraging […]

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