Vietnam Update 3

Last night we had a great service with an underground church. I preached from Joshua 5. I talked about how God is a God who provides change, covenants, and courage. It is so encouraging to see the Church here in Vietnam on fire for the Lord – their heart of worship and their passion in […]

Even Thousands of Miles Away

This morning, I lifted up a prayer for the funeral service that our church will be having for Andy. There will be people attending this service in Ann Arbor before his body gets buried in Arlington Cemetery. Pastor Dave will be leading the service and people are expected to gather together to pay their last […]

Vietnam Update 2

Today was a day of saturating ourselves with Vietnamese history. It allowed us to experience the history from the perspective of the Vietnamese people. First of all, we had the great privilege and opportunity to visit the Vietnam War Museum. The story of the Vietnam War was told from the perspective of the Vietnamese… it […]

Vietnam Update 1

After our long flight from DTW to Japan and then Japan to Vietnam, we met up with the rest of the AMI team. There are about 10 of us here. It has been pretty exciting so far… by the time we got to the hotel it was already 12:30AM and we had to get up […]

Asia Trip With AMI

I will be heading out to the airport soon. The AMI Trans-local Team and some of the other leaders from the various AMI churches will be going to Vietnam and China. We are trying to open up doors for Vietnam and in China we will be visiting some of the AMI missionaries. I am excited […]

Last Home Game of 2006 Season

The boys and I decided to go to the last home game of this season. Some people told me that we would be able to get tickets for $5 or $10 since the game was against Ball St. Also, I was told that if the game is already underway then the sellers will be willing […]

Don’t Forget to Vote

Since I will be out of the country next Tuesday, I went into the courthouse today and voted in an absentee ballot. This is a mid-election year, but there is a lot at stake in the State of Michigan. There are many Proposals that are trying to pass this year therefore we have to speak […]

In Loving Memory of Andy Kim

As some of you probably heard by now, our beloved brother Andy went to be with the Lord yesterday at 5:47AM EST. He was KIA (killed in action) during his tour of duty in Fallujah, Iraq. We are going to have a memorial service for him tonight, 7PM at the Michigan Union, Anderson Room. We […]

Recommended Shots

I just came back from getting my immunization for my trips out to Vietnam, China and Kenya. Christina went with me because she needed her shots for our Kenya missions trip in December. It was a very illuminating experience to say the least. The health professional that helped us was great. She was very informative […]

Sleep Apnea Part 2

In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned that I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Yesterday, I went in for another evaluation. This was a little bit more sophisticated because four different doctors were there to analyze me (they were all ranging from an ENT to an oral surgery). The whole consultation literally took about […]

A Letter from My Son

In Josiah’s Christian school, they had the 4th graders write a letter to their pastors for Clergy Appreciation Month. Hmm… what will Josiah do since his father is the pastor of the church that he attends? Will he address the letter as, “Dear Dad” or “Dear Pastor”? When I first read the letter, it made […]

The Ten Faces of Innovation

Awhile back, a member in our church got a book for me to read. It was a business book written by the founders of IDEO. I just finished it on my flight back to Ann Arbor. The book talks about strategies that drive creativity throughout an organization and the people that are needed to make […]

Clergy Appreciation Finale

What a night! Christina and I just came back from a night out together that was completely planned out by 3 small groups in our church. Supposedly, small groups were paired up together to “adopt” a pastor and their families to show their love during the Clergy Appreciation Month. Various groups and people have already […]

The Religion of Football

My heart was torn today because Michigan was playing Northwestern. It is like asking me to choose between Josiah and Elliot. I love them both, even though they are so different. In the same way, I love both Michigan and Northwestern – (honest confession: “I am learning to love them both”). The family and I […]

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