New Church in San Diego

I will be heading out to LA this weekend to speak at Church of Southland and also to be a part of the inaugural service for Kairos Christian Church. Pastor Mark Chun will be the lead pastor of this new and exciting church. I met him back in March at an AMI Conference out in […]

Volunteer’s Motto?

The meeting went well tonight. I was able to share my heart with the servants in our church. We spent some time in worship and in prayer. I felt as if God was pouring down His refreshment towards the people of God. I shared about the importance of intimacy, inspiration and being impassioned as we […]

Motivating Volunteers

We are going to have our ministry team meeting tonight. The first two months for our church during the beginning of the school year are always busy because we are on a college campus. Literally these ministry team members are running a 100 mph or as the illustration goes – “they are running like chickens […]

Car Lessons

Several months ago, I brought my car to the dealer to get an estimate on getting my car brakes fixed. Since we were tight on budget, I ended up going to a place that promised a discounted price and good service. Fast forward several months. I brought my car to the dealer to fix what […]

More Flash, More Cash?

There is a clothing store here in Ann Arbor that opened up about a year ago. It advertises clothing for the “cool” college student. I have seen this store at other campuses around the nation. They are trying to compete with Gap, Abercrombie & Fitch, and the like. They appeal to the college student because […]


I recently read a Barna article about “Tweenies.” The Tweenies are kids from 8-12 years old. Yup, Josiah is now officially considered a tweenie. It was interesting to read some of the things that were discovered in their research. One principle or value that they reaffirmed is the importance of the role of the parents […]

Bringing Home the Baby

At our Chicago service, I shared an illustration that paralleled with giving birth to a child. When a child is born there is great celebration. Family and friends rejoice with the parents. We end up sending pictures and e-mails on this special occasion. But then when the parents bring the child home, the hard work […]

A Weekend to Remember

God is truly faithful! We had many alumni come back for our 10th year celebration. We started off the weekend with a Reunion Service on Friday. We even had a video greeting from some of the alumni from Singapore who could not make this out this weekend. I talked about the importance of partnership in […]

10th Year Anniversary

   Tomorrow night we are going to gathering everyone together for the 10th year Reunion Service. It is going to be awesome reconnecting with everyone. We will spend some time in the Word and worshipping together – HMCC style! Then on Saturday, the formal banquet at the Marriott Hotel will be an added treat (thank […]

Temporary Soccer Coach?

I don’t know how it happened, but in the midst of the impromptu parent/coach meeting, I just found myself volunteering. Recently, due to the earlier sundown, Josiah’s soccer program changed the start of the soccer practices. But the problem is that his coach cannot come until 30-40 minutes later. So, there were two options given […]

Consistency Please!

Michael Venyah and his wife, Tamika have a ministry called, Soulwinners Ministry International. They have been on the University of Michigan campus for the last two days preaching on the Diag (the center of the campus). It has been really interesting to read some of the accounts in the Michigan Daily’s article and to see […]

The Greatest Game Ever Played

Christina and I spent our date night watching, “The Greatest Game Ever Played” on DVD. The movie is based on a true story of the 1913 U.S. Open, where Francis Ouimet, an amateur golf player played against the best player of that time. WARNING: If you don’t like people who spoil movies, please read no […]

What a Night!

God is truly amazing! Talk about impeccable timing… we arrived at the hotel at 5:05PM. Yup, you guessed it – our flight was delayed again. We were on the tarmac when the plane’s engine shut down. In one of those “ah-ha” moments, I was reminded that this new church plant will never “take off” without […]

The Time Has Come

I can’t believe the time has come for the church plant in Chicago. This past year flew by… especially as we were trying to lay down the foundations for this church plant . I keep thinking back to that October 29th, 2005 Northwestern vs. Michigan football game when the Holy Spirit deposited the vision and […]

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