It All Came Back

After the whole airport fiasco (4 hour delay), I finally arrived to the Friday gathering. I walked in when everything was finished and the people were fellowshipping together. People were getting ready to go ACCESS Afterhours (a time of food, fun, fellowship, friends… you get the picture). We ended up splitting into two groups and […]

Madness at the Airport

This is crazy! I should have landed in Chicago about 2 hours ago, but here I am sitting in my seat feeling frustrated. Thank God for technology – I am able to write about it in my blog as I wait in my seat. My original flight got delayed due to a storm. So I […]

Coffee Shop Politics

I was at a local coffee shop working on my messages and I could not help but to overhear a conversation between two employees. They were upset that within a block radius from their café 3 other coffee shops were going to open up. This was the gist of their dialogue:      Employee #1: “Can you […]

UM B-School Back to #1

I just found out that the University of Michigan’s Business school is ranked number one in the nation. The Wall Street Journal recently published their rankings. With this number one ranking, we are going to see more high-caliber people coming to the university in the next few years. This is very exciting. What would it […]

The Role of Television

Our hand-me down television that was over 10 years old finally broke down on us – the screen just went blank. It has been about a week now without a television. The more I think about it, the more I realize how television plays a significant role in a family’s life. The kids could not […]

One Week and Counting

As we rolled into the Hilton Garden Inn for our last preview service, I was reminded that church is not a building or a place, but it is made up of people – God’s people. This was the beauty of the early church. Due to the persecution, they were scattered all over the known world […]

Time of Reconnecting

This week I had breakfast in the morning with Christina – without the kids! At first it was a little weird (or abnormal) not having all the noise and making sure that everyone is eating. It brought back memories of our earlier years of courtship and marriage, when it was just the two of us. […]

Staff Conference and Technology

We gave it a try for the first time at our last staff meeting – we held our staff meeting via video conference. Since some of the staff members were in Chicago, we decided to maximize the technology and the time that we had. There is still some tweaking that we need to do, but […]

Partnership at Work

Dr. Steve Lee sent some pictures about their progress in the building of the income-generating projects like the mortuary for the hospital. They have laid the foundations down and the mortuary building will probably go up soon. It is exciting to see the partnership at work. I just wanted to thank you guys at HMCC […]

Karissa’s 3rd B-Day

Yesterday we celebrated KiKi’s b-day. A rule we have in our family is that the birthday person can choose whatever restaurant they want to go to on their b-day. She chose Macaroni Grill. After dinner, we opened up her presents. It is amazing how a 3 year old mind works. She knows that this is […]

Subtle Influence

On the plane ride from DTW to ORD, I was flanked by two women. The one on my left was an older woman probably in her 50’s or 60’s (Lord, forgive me if I am wrong). The one on my right was probably in her early to mid-20’s. They both pulled out magazines to read […]

Raising the Water Level

Yesterday, while I was still in Chicago, I had an opportunity to meet one of the local pastors in Evanston. I really didn’t know what to expect because from the last couple of meetings with other pastors and church leaders, I did not receive a warm welcome – to put it bluntly, they were a […]

NU Church Plant Update – 9.10.06

When we heard the announcement by the flight attendant, I knew that we were in trouble. They canceled the flight to Chicago! We quickly lined up to see a Northwest agent to get rebooked onto another flight. After many calls to the pastors in Chicago and to Christina (she became my pseudo airline reservation specialist), […]

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