NU Church Plant Update – 8.14.06

We are 6 weeks away from officially launching the church plant. The text that we studied this past Sunday was Acts 17:16-18:28. There were three things that we highlighted in this passage: 1) The PREPARATION of people’s hearts – It is sobering to think that God is at work long before we actually arrive at […]

Airport Security

As I was planning out my flight from DTW to ORD, I made sure that I got rid of all liquids, gels, shampoo and toothpaste. Bottom line – I was traveling even lighter than I normally travel with my luggage. After going through the security check, I was pulled over for an “extra” security check. […]

BBQ Part 2

We finished off another BBQ at our home with the leaders. I am getting better at the grill. I guess the phrase, “practice makes perfect” applies here. It has been fun interacting with the various groups of leaders. The conversations that we had with the group of leaders today were totally different from the first […]

HMCC 10th Anniversary

It’s hard to believe that this fall will mark the 10th year of our church. As I look back at all that God has done, I’m filled with amazement and thankfulness. God has carrried out the mission and vision in so many people whose lives were transformed here at HMCC, and who are now transforming […]

NU Church Plant Update – 8.7.06

I realized that we are just 7 weeks away from the official launch of our church (now about 47 days and counting). I briefly mentioned to the whole group the similarities between giving birth to a church and giving birth to a child. As the days get closer to the actual “delivery” date, there is […]

BBQ and Princesses

Yesterday we had some of the leaders over to our place for a barbeque. As our church continues to grow, it is getting harder to know even the leaders in our church. By inviting a smaller group of people over to our home, the family and I are able to connect with them in a […]

Motivated by Pride

Before the summer started, Christina and I talked about accomplishing some things around the house. One project that she wanted me to do was to put up the bike racks in the garage so that there will be less clutter. The months of May, June, and July quickly passed. I had good reasons why the […]

The 626 Mandate

In about a month (September 1st), all the AMI churches around the world will start “The 626 Mandate.” It is a prayer movement. We will be committing ourselves to 24/7, 40 days of non-stop, unbroken prayer chain. This mandate comes directly from Isaiah 62:6-7 (NIV), “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they […]

NU Church Plant Update – 7.31.06

I was delayed in DTW airport due to thunderstorm warnings. I finally arrived at ORD airport one hour after the original estimated time of arrival. We called in and told everyone to get started with dinner and we quickly rush over to the meeting. After eating just one slice of pizza (I decided to save […]

Bling, Bling Transformation

One of the privileges I have in speaking at various places is meeting different people that remind me of the power of the Gospel. At this revival meeting, I was re-introduced to the phrase, “a blast from the past.” I was able to reconnect with a pastor that was my youth pastor when I was […]

Wisconsin Revival Gathering

I am heading out to Milwaukee today to speak at a revival meeting for a couple of days. I will be seeing a couple of brothers in the ministry that I haven’t seen in a long time. It should be a good time of fellowship and preaching the Word to God’s people. I have always […]

Wake Up Call

I went to the doctor’s office today. It was a follow-up appointment to the sleep study that I did 1.5 months ago. The test results came in and they found that I have severe sleep apnea. Those of you who do not know what sleep apnea is, then click here. The doctor indicated that my […]

NU Church Plant Update – 7.24.06

Since I missed two Sundays with the NU group due to my trip to India, I was thrilled to meet up with everyone again. It is nice to have somewhat of a consistent place to meet at the Homestead Inn. We started off with dinner and some time of fellowship. Our conversations ranged from my […]

Playing Catch-up

As soon as I arrived in Michigan, I spent the last two days with the family (it has been non-stop activities at 100 mph). It was almost as if the kids were stockpiling all the things that they wanted to do with daddy and then when I arrived, they bombarded me with things to do. […]

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