2006 India Update 6

The Church Planters and Leadership Conference went well. We were able to pray for many of the pastors and their specific areas and churches. It was a wonderful time of renewal and re-focusing on the vision and mission of planting churches in the unreached places. Many of these pastors have been persecuted for their faith, […]

NU Church Plant Update – 7.16.06

This update posted by Pastor Pete while Pastor Seth is in India. We had another good visit to Evanston yesterday. I realized through the evening that we were laying the foundation for this church plant not only through the knowledge and principles gained in studying the Word together, but also in the relationships and community […]

2006 India Update 5

Praise God! After a long ordeal and the efficiency of Indian bureaucracy (hint of sarcasm), I got my new passport and my exit visa to leave the country. Now, I will be leaving on a midnight train back to Dehra Dun to meet up with the team (no pun intended with Gladys Knight and the […]

2006 India Update 4

We had the opportunity to visit the Ganges River the other day. It was an incredible sight. There were literally hundreds of thousands of people all lining up along the river to dip into the water. There were also many people who were carrying ornaments on their shoulders to offer to the Hindu gods. It […]

2006 India Update 3

Today, the team and I went into another state that was about 2 hours away to do some ministry. We entered into a school that was started by the ministry that we are working with here. It was good to see how a school can be an open door for the love of God to […]

2006 India Update 2

I ended up going back to Delhi to straighten out the passport situation. It was kind of hard leaving the team behind in Dehra Dun to fend for themselves, but they were in good hands with our hosts, Uncle George and Auntie Leela. The car ride back to Delhi was a difficult 8 hour experience. […]

NU Church Plant Update – 7.9.06

This update posted by Pastor Pete while Pastor Seth is in India. A handful of us met yesterday at an inn near the Northwestern campus. It was a smaller meeting since many of the students are away for the summer, and we had a good time of fellowship with one another. I realized that all […]

India 2006 Update 1

We arrived safely late Saturday night (early Sunday morning) and the team is finally all together. It has been an interesting missions trip so far. Here is a break down of the last 4 days: 1) Our flight out of Chicago to Delhi got cancelled due to engine problems. We ended up sleeping at a […]

To Pray or Not to Pray

The pressure to be a pastor is too great – sometimes there is a higher standard placed on pastors than the average Christian. In some ways, I welcome it because it comes with the ball game of leading God’s people. But on the other hand, I realized that whether we are a pastor or not, […]

4th of July Reflections

My family and I ended up going to a local town in the suburbs of Chicago to see the fireworks. It was good to spend time with my older sister Diane and her husband. All my family members were there except for Marc, my younger brother. He was out in California. As the fireworks were […]

NU Church Plant Update – 7.2.06

Since we had the AMI Revolution Conference here in Ann Arbor, we decided to meet up here instead of Chicago. Many people could not come to the conference therefore we just had a planning meeting with a handful of us. We finalized the rest of the summer schedule and then we tried to strategize for […]

AMI Revolution 2006

What a great conference! It was exciting to see so many students from various universities around the States gathered together in Ann Arbor to worship and pray together for the purposes of God to be fulfilled in our generation. Seeing so many people come up to the front of the stage to place their commitment […]

Iron Sharpening Iron

My family just came back from spending some time with Dr. Steve Lee’s family. I realized that whenever the kids outnumber the parents, we have to play zone defense. We were constantly making sure that we did not leave anyone behind, but it was fun having all 8 kids play together. After putting the kids […]

NU Church Plant Update – 6.25.06

This past Sunday I had to stay in AA because I was hosting Dr. Steve Lee and his family. But Pastor Andrew and a handful of people went down to Chicago to still meet and study God’s Word. Here is an update from Pastor Andrew: A group of eleven of us gathered together on Sunday, […]

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