Lessons Learned from Disney World

Our family had the privilege of going away on a mini-vacation for about six days with two other pastors’ families. Through some helpful connections, we were able to spend time together in Disney World. We just got back today. In spite of the 90+ weather and all the walking, it was such a treat for […]

NU Church Plant Update – 6.18.06

We planned to have our meeting in one of the hotel conference rooms, but due to all the graduation ceremony activities going on, all the rooms were booked. Therefore, we ended up at a nearby church in Winnetka. After sharing in a meal, we studied Acts 4:23-5:16. We broke up into groups of 3s and […]

The Center of It All

Another birthday came and went. With my scattered brain tendencies, whenever someone asks me when my birthday is I always tell them, “How good are you at math?” They are always thrown off because of my question. But eventually I take them through these steps: 1) How many months are there in a year? 2) […]

NU Church Plant Update – 6.11.06

In our last Sunday gathering, we met at a university chapel rather than in our usual dorm lounge because the dorms were all closed. Students are done with school and many of them went home for the summer break. There were still some graduate students in the area and they ended up coming out to […]

The Gospel According to “Cars”

I don’t know what it is about the supposedly “kids” movies like, The Incredibles, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., and A Bug’s Life that somehow speaks to adults in a powerful way. Our family just recently saw Disney/Pixar’s new movie Cars. As soon as Elliot saw the preview for it months ago he said, […]

FIFA World Cup 2006

It is time! 64 games. 32 teams. 8 Groupings. 1 champion. It is incredible how a sport like soccer can bring people together from all nations. Maybe it is the simplicity of the game – all you need is a soccer ball. Maybe it is the beauty of bringing countries together in one place. Maybe […]

Learning to Ride a Bicycle

There is a lesson to be learned every single day. I still remember the first time I went ice skating and how often I fell on the ice. I still remember the first time going skiing and tumbling down the slopes. I will never forget the first time I tried riding a bike. It was […]

NU Church Plant Update – 6.4.06

We had our largest number of people at our meeting this past Sunday. There were close to 25 of us gathered downstairs in a dorm lounge at Northwestern. First, we started off with some dinner – home made lasagna and Buffalo Joe’s (hot wings). I will have to admit that I had some trepidation about […]

The Big 10th

People say that the 10th, 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries are the big ones. They are supposed to be very significant mile markers in a marriage. Well, Christina and I just passed our first mile marker yesterday. I cannot believe we have been married for 10 years. It will be awesome to live long enough […]

Another Year, Another B-Day

Yesterday we celebrated Josiah’s birthday. I can’t believe he is already 9 years old. I remember talking with some older fathers who would always tell me that kids grow up so fast. Back then I was thinking that they do not grow up fast enough. But now, I am echoing those same words of the […]

NU Church Plant Update – 5.29.06

My family and I drove out to Chicago yesterday. After dropping off the kids with my parents, Christina and I went to Northwestern. Even though there were some people who could not make it to the meeting because of the Memorial Day holiday, we still had a good handful of people at the meeting. We […]

Promotion Ceremony

Tonight, Elliot was graduating from kindergarten. Instead of calling it a graduation ceremony, they coined it as a “promotion ceremony.” At first, I thought it was a bit weird calling a graduation ceremony as a promotion ceremony, but then I gave it some thought. One of the definitions of “promotion” in The American Heritage Dictionary […]

NU Church Plant Update – 5.21.06

It was a crazy day. Right after Sunday Celebration about 8 of us drove out to Chicago to meet up with the Northwestern church plant group. Then after our meeting we fellowshipped over some Chicago-style pizza and then some of us drove back to AA. By the time I was in bed, it was well […]

NU Women’s Soccer Hazing

Northwestern University has been on the news recently. The university suspended its women’s soccer team as the school investigates the alleged hazing incident from last year. As we are getting ready to plant a church on the Northwestern University campus, it just dawned upon me the ever-increasing need for prayer. Without prayer, we will not […]

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