Photo by HMCC-AA Publications Team Usually we have a relationship series for the college students, right around February when the topic of love and relationships are in the air. For this year, we have decided to do it earlier. If there is one issue that has caused the most heartaches and […]
Responsibility as a Citizen
Photo on Today is Election Tuesday. Christina and I went into the polling place this morning to place our votes. Then, I spent some time reflecting on the significance of my privilege to vote as a U.S. citizen. It is hard to believe that I became a citizen of the […]
Chile 10.2010 Update #3
I find myself constantly re-learning the important lessons of faith and obedience. In fact, they are both related to one another. You cannot have one without the other. As I take this time to reflect on my short four day trip to Chile, I realize how much of my life and where we are […]
Chile 10.2010 Update #2
It is hard to believe that we have been here for only 3 days and God has given us the privilege of witnessing so many different things. On Tuesday, we went to two different locations where the earthquake and the tsunami hit. I have seen a lot of pictures on the internet but there […]
Chile 10.2010 Update #1
After being here in Chile for less than 14 hours, I am more convinced than ever that God has truly opened this door for us as a church. God is doing some incredible things here. We are thankful that God has allowed us to partner up with Pueblo de Dios. Pastor Pete and I […]
Would You Respond Like This?
Photo by As a psychology and sociology major in college, I studied a lot on human behavior, not only on an individual basis but also on a societal level. It is interesting to note that many of our behaviors are shaped by the things surrounding us, whether it is for […]
Post-Retreat Reminders
Photo on One of the things that I notice from all my retreat attendance over the years, both as a participant as well as a speaker, is that what happens after the retreat is just as important (if not more important) as to what went on during the retreat. There […]
Students Leading the Charge
Photo by Michigan Daily Fifty years ago, at 2AM on October 14th 1960 at the steps of the University of Michigan Union, John F. Kennedy gave a speech inspiring students to give up two years of their lives to help people in developing countries. From that moment on, the Peace Corps […]
Kairos Moments in Chile
Photo by Hugo Infante/Government of Chile It was early February 2010, during one of my times in prayer, when God placed the nation of Chile in my heart. At first it was a passing thought, but then I couldn’t get the impression out of my mind. I felt this tremendous burden […]
2010 Undergrad Retreat
We have been blown away and humbled at what God is doing with the college students in our church and around the world. Not only has this year’s freshmen been the largest we have had in HMCC-AA’s 14 year history, but we see a new generation of students who are passionate […]
Vision Sunday 10.10.10
Photo from One of my favorite quotes comes from the French writer and aviator, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. He wrote, “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity […]
DIG Deep
Photo on As I have been trying to get back into the rhythm of ministry here in Ann Arbor, I am doing everything possible to discern God’s direction for our church. It is a temptation to jump right in and do things as “business as usual” since things are so […]
Prayer Partners in Ministry
Photo on Recently, I have been thinking about some important people in my life who have committed themselves to pray for me, my family and my ministry. I am truly thankful for the prayer warriors that God has provided in my life. In many ways, if any good has come […]
The Silent Sin
I still remember the day when Christina asked me, “Why is it that churches rarely preach on the topic of abortion?” For some reason, I really didn’t have an answer; well I did, but it was an inadequate answer for her intensely poignant question. The thing that kept on popping up in my mind […]