Returning to the Grid

  It has been about two weeks since I have written in my blog (and Twitter). In the first couple of days, I felt like an addict going through withdrawal symptoms and having a nervous breakdown (half-joking). But it has been good for my soul. The last few months have been one of toughest periods […]

Blog Writing Sabbatical

  I have told people that one trait of an effective leader is the ability to communicate. Whether it is through speaking or writing, it really doesn’t matter, just as long as they are communicating. The reason for this is because in the words of the leadership guru, John Maxwell, “Leadership is influence, nothing more […]

Refreshed and Ready to Go

  For the last 4 days, I was away with a handful of pastors to challenge and sharpen one another. In fact our group is called, chadad, which is the Hebrew word for “to sharpen.” It can also be translated as, “to be fierce.” This word is used in Proverbs 27:17 where it says, “As […]

Grad Night 2009

      I am getting pumped for the Grad Night tonight. It is always a bitter sweet moment for me. It is exciting that we will be able to commission another class to go and engage the world with the Gospel message. But yet, it will be sad saying bye to many of these […]

Facebook and Lower Grades

  Photo by Xinhuanet     OK, all you Facebook lovers out there, I was reading up on this article about how a survey found out that people who use Facebook have lower overall grades. Hmm… I don’t know if there is a direct one-to-one correlation (the researcher is from OSU so we have to […]

Breaking the Routine

  There is always something powerful that happens to us when we realize that we have been going through life in a mundane way. Sometimes we miss out on the joys of life and even in the little simple pleasures that brings a smile to our face. It is always good to have a heart […]

2009 Easter Reflections

  What a great Easter weekend we had at HMCC! It really began from Maundy Thursday as we focused on the last days of Christ on this earth and then His crucifixion on Friday. As I am getting older, I am reminded of the need of grace and mercy that much more in my life. […]

Optimism on Good Friday

  Photo by “The Passion of the Christ”     I have always wondered why they call one of the most gruesome days in history “Good Friday.” How about calling it “Shocking Friday” or “Horrific Friday”? Maybe that will put more of an emphasis on what Christ went through for us on the cross. I […]

The Power of Music

  I have been a strong advocate of the universality of music and how it is an incredible medium to communicate a message. There is something powerful about music and how it speaks to the heart. It really does supersede culture, language and nationality. This is why I believe that the next great evangelist of […]

Passion Week Reflections 2009

  Picture of Saint Joseph’s Cathedral     As we have started the Passion Week (Jesus’ agonizing journey to the cross, hence “Passion” = “Suffering”), I realized that it is so easy to just go through the motions and forget the significance of it in the midst of our busy schedules. But the way we […]

Cultural Faux Pas

PA Photo     Many of the British news outlets caught it right away, while some of the other foreign journalists did not notice it at all. Now, talk is circulating in the media that Michelle Obama made a huge cultural faux pas, when she placed her hand on the back of Queen Elizabeth II […]

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