Now with 3 more days before the big inaugural celebration, we are trying our best to get everything ready. In football terms, it is 1st and goal and we are on the 10 yard line. It always takes great focus to bring the ball over for a touchdown. It always boggles the average “sports watcher” […]
Kids’ Are Back in School
Yesterday, the kids started school for this new year. Even though they had a half day, the reality of going back on a tight schedule hit all of us. The summer fun has ended and now we are back in business with academics and their other extra curricular activities. After this week, Karissa will even […]
Covenant Retreat 2008 Update
Our married couple’s retreat was a blessing. As the theme was centered around “Radically Committed,” we focused on being radically committed to Christ, to our spouse and to God’s Kingdom mission. Phil and Barb Tiews did a phenomenal job of sharing from their 36 years of marriage experience. Their wisdom and their love for the […]
Thoughts on “The Kingdom of Christ”
Over the last 3-4 years I have been really mulling over the whole Kingdom of God theology. As I am visiting the Gospels again and again, I am confronted with the significance and the importance of how the Kingdom theology is interlaced with a lot of Jesus’ teachings. Not too long […]
HMCC of Austin’s Inaugural Celebration
I was encouraged to see what God was doing in Austin. The inaugural celebration went well. The whole team did a great job of getting everything ready. Even though it was a hectic morning in trying to get everything ready, they were able to assemble things together and get the service underway. It was also […]
Covenant Retreat 2008
It was a great inaugural celebration (I will write more about it at a later time). Right after a time of fellowship, Pastor Ben took me to the airport so that I can head back to Ann Arbor. I am currently waiting for my connecting flight in Chicago’s O’Hare airport so that I can rush […]
In Austin for Inaugural Celebration
I am excited about this morning. I am in Austin right now and getting ready to head out to HMCC of Austin’s inaugural Sunday Celebration. The first of everything is very important and I wanted to be here to encourage the team and experience God’s blessings with them. Whenever a new church is birthed, there […]
New Encounter 2008
We had an awesome time at this year’s New Encounter. All the guys who prepared for the night did a great job of putting things together. They made it into a Top Ten show and Pastor Andrew was trying to be the Asian David Letterman I don’t know what it is but either I […]
Renovations Progress
With less than 8 days away from our Grand Inaugural Celebration on September 7th, the workers are busy trying to get everything done on time. There is still a lot to do in order to get things ready for the big day. It is hard to believe that after 12 years of being a portable […]
Reconnecting with Former My Youth Pastor
Yesterday, Pastor David Yang came to Ann Arbor to drop of his 2nd son for the start of the UM school year. It was great reconnecting with him. It is hard to believe that he was my youth pastor almost 20 years ago. As were eating lunch, we were reminiscing about the past and we […]
In Bondage
The other day I saw a huge spider in the Transformation Center office window. As I looked more closely, I realized that this spider caught a fly in its web. It was interesting to just watch this spider spin its victim around and around making a cocoon. What caught my attention was the fly. I […]
Contact Lens for Josiah
Yesterday, Josiah and Elliot went in to the eye doctor to get their eyes examined. After the exam, I found out that they both needed to get new eye prescriptions. I am always amazed at how eye doctors can be patience during the examination as they ask, “which is clearer… number 1 or number 2.” […]
Small Groups to LIFE Groups
We have gone through an incredible evolution with our small group ministry over the last 12+ years. When we first started our church back in 1996, we talked a lot about having a small group ministry and the importance of it. We eventually forge out a strategy to call our small groups simply our “cell […]
OCR 2008
We are closing out the OCR training session tomorrow afternoon. So far, it has been a good OCR. I have been really enjoying our evening sessions of prayer. For some reason, this year more of our OCR participants are hungry and have higher expectations for God to do some incredible things. Already some testimonies are […]