For those of you who were at the Undergraduate Retreat, here is a follow-up on the story that I shared about Eli Florence. Don’t forget: It is not the container that is so crucial but the content! May we live our lives well for the glory of God. We are all given one life to […]
B-Ball Season
Today was the first day of basketball practice for Josiah. It is amazing how kids today have so many opportunities to develop their skills at a younger age. My brother and I were talking yesterday on the phone and we concluded that if we had the opportunities that the kids are having nowadays that we […]
2007 UG Retreat Update
Last two nights at the retreat have been a Spirit-filled time where we have been worshipping and seeking the Lord together. There is something special about being together with close to 200 college students in a place – the praise is a little bit livelier, the prayers are a little bit louder, and people are […]
UG Retreat 2007
I am getting ready to head out to the Undergraduate Retreat. It is hard to describe but for some reasons we have a lot of momentum going into this retreat. I haven’t felt this for a long time. I am wondering if God is going to do some great things at this year’s retreat… even […]
Captain America is Back
Wow! It is like Michael Jordon announcing back in March 18, 1995, just two simple words of, “I’m back.” It is like the resurrection of Jesus (ok, maybe I am being too dramatic). Various news reportsare saying that Marvel Comics has resurrected the comic hero. It is a good day. He even has a new […]
It’s Complicated Sermon Series
This coming weekend we are starting a new sermon series called, “It’s Complicated.” The topic of relationships is always a well-talked about subject, whether the person is married or single. God has created us as relational beings and sometimes in our relationships with our spouse or the opposite gender, there are […]
The New Generation and Church
The Barna Group did some research on what teenagers look for in a church. I thought it was interesting to note some of the conclusions that they came up with. Many of the conclusions affirmed a lot of what I have been thinking about. The Barna Group found out that teenagers today are some of […]
Modernize Islam?
Daniel Pipes, who has a tendency to polarize people with some of his views on Islam came to the University of Michigan to speak on how to combat radical Islam. An article was written by the Michigan Daily about his talk, which was sponsored by a pro-Israeli student group. In the […]
Friend (Chingu) Movie
Several of the Hollywood Videos in Ann Arbor are going out of business, therefore the family and I were able to get some really discounted DVDs. I went through the foreign movie section and ended up picking up the movie, “Friend” (in Korean friend is translated as “chingu”). Recently, I was […]
Undergraduate Retreat Prayer Gatherings
This coming weekend we will be having our annual Undergraduate Retreat. For some reason there is this freshness in the air and people are getting excited for this retreat. There is anticipation that God will do great things. Starting tonight we will be having nightly prayer gatherings to pray for the […]
Men Discipling Men
This past Sunday I had some of the men that I am spending time with come over to my place for a bbq. After eating our “manly” hamburgers, I had them go around and share how their ministry to other men in the church was coming along. Too often we are focused on programs and […]
Thoughts on “Renovation of the Heart”
God has graciously brought this book into my hands at this season of my life. There are different types of books that I enjoy reading, but God sovereignly directed me to Dallas Willard’s book, which I am thankful. As I start off, I will make a bold statement and say that […]
Revitalizing the City
I read an interesting article today in the Michigan Daily, which is the student newspaper for the University of Michigan. There is talk about setting up a program through the university where students can go to Detroit to take classes. The aim is to start getting some of the students to think of ways to […]
Cubs and Broken Hearts
Now, we have to wait until 2008 which will be the 100th year anniversary of their last World Series championship. It is hard to believe that the last time that they even played in the World Series was back in 1945. Only true Cubs fans would know the heartaches of being a die-hard Cubs fan […]