Teaching Moment by an Application

Last week in our Covenant small group (our married couples group), we had the men and women split up for the application in our study. With two other men, we were trying to think of ways to be a blessing to our wives. As we went around and shared, I realized that it doesn’t take […]

3:10 to Yuma

        Yesterday for our date night, Christina and I watch 3:10 to Yuma, a movie staring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. Believe it or not, Christina loves Western movies and mobster movies. Yeah, brothers, I am a blessed man! The movie wasn’t spectacular but it was decent. I think if you are […]

Politics is a Deadly Calling

Last week there were reports on the news that a parliament member who belonged to the Christian party was killed by a car bomb in Beirut, Lebanon. There was steady progress towards reform in the country especially as the Syrian influence started to lose some control in the area. But 6 days before the Parliament […]

Starbucks and iTunes

A business venture? Why not? From October 2nd through November 7th, Starbucks is planning on giving away free downloads to song in order to promote and new partnership with iTunes. They were mentioning that they will give away close to 50 million free songs in about 10,000 Starbucks stores. They are making coffee and music […]

The Start of a Movement

It is amazing to study some of the great movements throughout history. There are several common components in these movements. First of all, there is a revelation of a clear vision from God. Whether it is a vision for revival or missions, God puts a vision in the hearts of His people. Secondly, there is […]

Ethos Series

        It has been exciting to hear about some people coming to place their trust in Christ for the first time during our Sunday Celebration in the last 2 weeks. Over the years we have had people always feeling hesitant about bringing their friends and co-workers to our Sundays because they felt […]

Getting in the Game

People always say hindsight is 20/20. This is why we can always have a good perspective on our struggles and trials AFTER we go through it rather than during the trial. This principle holds true for situations where there are no sacrifice or risks involved. What do I mean? Who are the ones complaining the […]

Pride Before the Fall

I don’t know many of you have been keeping up with the battle for record sales between Kanye West and 50 Cent. Bottom line was that 50 Cent made a bold statement (for what reasons only he will know). He stated that if Kanye’s album that was coming out at the same time as his […]

Nehemiah at Access Ministry

        Tomorrow in our student Access Ministry, we are going to start a series in the Book of Nehemiah. This is one of the best books in the Bible on the topic of leadership. The need for training and equipping is increasing as our church is trying to send out more Kingdom […]

Bring the Rain

As I was driving home from morning prayer today, I heard a song on the Christian radio that really spoke to me. In the last couple of weeks, I have been speaking a lot (via sermon, blog, meetings with people, etc) on this whole topic of self-centered Christianity that is pervading the Church. In fact, […]

Days of Devotion

I read an article this morning by Margaret Manning. It just reinforced a lot of things that I have been writing about this week, especially about how Muslims view us and also about the “self-centered me” Christianity that we have tolerated here in the States. Manning writes, “September is a very important month for Jews […]

Reconnecting with a Pastor Friend

Today, I had lunch with a pastor friend from the county. We are from a different background, ethnicity and even experiences but God sovereignly brought us together about 10 years ago. It is a friendship that I cherish. We realized that it has been a very long time since the last time we connected. We […]

A Consumer Generation?

We have heard a lot about how our generation is a consumer generation more than ever before and we don’t know how to commit to something. In defense of our generation this is not always the case. I have seen many young people commit to things with their whole life… maybe it is because there […]

Déjà Vu a la Church’s Role

When we first started the church, we had to grapple with the issue of the church’s and the para-church’s role on campus. Since we were a fully functioning church with a focus on the campus, we ran into some problems with the para-church. Maybe I should say it was more of a conflict of interest. […]

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