There are two groups of people when it comes to attitude – one that carries a bucket of gasoline and another that carries a bucket of water. Depending on the circumstance, some people either stoke the fire of optimism burn brightly or they eradicate it quickly. I think we all have […]
OCR 2007
Tonight we had our first gathering for Operation Campus Reach (OCR). For those of you who don’t know what OCR is – it is an event where we gather as many HMCC students as possible to come early to school in order to be trained in reaching out to the new students who will be […]
Family Time on Sunday
I have to admit that I had some withdrawal symptoms today. It felt weird not rushing to the airport trying to catch my normal flight out to Chicago. Even Christina was asking me if it felt different being able to stay here in Ann Arbor on Sunday. I guess if you do something for 11 […]
Contradictions in Racial Proportions
People in our generation have settled for contradictions in life. In some ways to live with contradictions is to be human. The prophet Jeremiah in the good book shares, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jer 17:9). A story that caught my […]
Mirroring Our Generation
I don’t know if you have been keeping up with the Michael Vick’s legal case but on Friday Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner indefinitely suspended Vick without pay. Due to my love for sports, I have been keeping up with the whole situation from time to time. It is very interesting how this case is […]
iPhone Unlocked?!
Did you hear? A 17 year old from New Jersey named George Hotz unlocked the iPhone. Now, the iPhone can be used with a SIM card from T-Mobile or other carriers. The story was reported on FoxNews about the audacious feat. Hotz decided to sell one of the unlocked iPhones on eBay and as of […]
Family Time 08.23.07
I enjoy coming back to family after my travels. Since this summer has been crazy, we took some time to just have fun. We headed out to a bowling alley. We cheered for one another and acted crazy since we were one of two families there. There is something about bowling in the early afternoon […]
Student Status at UIC
We found out that we just got student status at University of Illinois – Chicago campus for this coming year… yay God! Now we will be able to meet on campus and proceed with some of the things that God has placed in our hearts. More than anything else, we will be joining God with […]
For the last 2 days, I have been in LA with the TLT (Trans-Local Team). It has been an intense two days. We have been able to cover the planning for the November AMI General Conference and talk about some importance issues regarding AMI. We also tried to focus on building stronger relationships with one […]
Reaching More Campuses
After doing campus ministry for some time now, I am slowly beginning to see how college campuses and missions are linked together. Throughout the world, key universities are playing a major role in developing communities and even cities. Even here in Ann Arbor, a lot of what goes on in the community and the city […]
Making Room for Growth
It is hard to believe that over ten years ago, we started the church in Ann Arbor with mostly college students. Now, we are seeing growth in various areas especially in the married couples and families who have joined our church community. We are excited about starting up another small group for the married couples […]
Changes in Chicago
We, as humans, always resist change for some reason. Maybe the reason behind it is our desire for security or maybe it is our fear of losing something. Whatever the case may be, change is a vital part to growth – period. God has been truly faithful to the church plant on the Northwestern University […]
Heading Out to Chicago and LA
I am at the airport (once again) getting ready to board my flight out to O’Hare. Tonight I will be sharing with the church about some exciting changes that will be happening in September. As I reflect back on the last 11 months of this church plant in Evanston, it is humbling to know that […]
TC Prayer Summit 2007 Update 2
The leaders of our church had a great time praying together. There have been moments in the history of our church where the Spirit of God has allowed us to have concentrated times of prayer. It was crucial that the leaders of our church first set the example in praying for the things that are […]