I am currently at our leadership prayer summit… what a way to get back into the groove of things right after a vacation… ha! This is a special leadership summit for us because we have the leaders from the Chicago church joining us. We saw the importance of having the same DNA as God is […]
Family Trip 2007
I am back on the blog sphere. I realized that trying to catch up on all the e-mails and correspondence over a week period will take some time… please be patient as I try to get to them as soon as I can. Our time together as a family in the last 5 days was […]
Man of My Word
Tomorrow I will be checking out of the blogging world for about 5 days or so because my family and my extended family will be going on vacation. With all my traveling, I was able to get 9 free tickets for the family. In previous vacations, I always brought my computer because I had to […]
Thoughts on “The Missional Leader”
There have been a lot of talk on the topic of “being missional.” It is exciting to hear about churches that are living out their calling as the “church.” In the Greek, the church is known as the “ekklesia.” It is made up of two words “ek” (out of) and “klesis” […]
Thoughts on “The Urban Face of Missions”
This book just confirmed a lot of things that were running through my mind in the last few years. Throughout my travels, I have noticed that the urban cities in the international scene were playing an important role in that particular country. Due to globalization and other factors, the cities around […]
Uganda Trip Update 4
This morning we went out to one of the leader’s ministry with the orphans. The road to the orphanage was pretty bad, but once we saw the kids all those things faded away. They presented us with a song as they welcomed us to their place (it is an African thing). I could not help […]
Uganda Trip Update 3
I am currently using Pastor Victor’s Samsung i830 PDA phone which has GSM. This is allowing me to update my blog. In recent years, I have traveled mostly in urban cities where access to internet is not a problem. But in my trip out here to Uganda, it is hard to get internet access without […]
Uganda Trip Update 2
On Wednesday, I was able to do some teaching on leadership. The people received it well. One thing that they kept on reminding us about is that Uganda is lacking in good leadership in all levels – the government, the church and even in the families. We also visited a couple of churches on Wednesday. […]
Uganda Trip Update 1
Pastor Victor, Pastor Young and I arrived in Uganda safely on Tuesday morning. As soon as we walked out of the airport, we were greeted by David Ofumbi. It was great seeing him again. The last time we saw him was at the AMI Leadership Summit in May. I think he was a bit shocked […]
Kenya Visit Update 3
After spending several days here in Nairobi with Dr. Steve Lee we are getting ready to leave tomorrow morning to head out to Uganda. Here are some takeaways from this short trip to Kenya (the 3 F’s): 1) Friendship – It is amazing how I have known some of these brothers for close to 24 […]
Kenya Visit Update 2
This morning we visited Karen Community Church (KCC). It is an expatriate church comprised of many Kenyans who studied aboard. I was able to meet one person who studied at University of Washington in Seattle. There were other “Westerns” who are here in Nairobi for various businesses and assignments. You can tell that there is […]
Kenya Visit Update 1
After the long flight from DTW to AMS then to AMS to NBO, I met up with Dr. Steve and Pastor Young. It was quite an adventure trying to get a SIM card for my phone. It seems as if all of the vendors at the airport had a “good” price. But I finally talked […]
Boingo Account and Traveling
I am in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam right now waiting for my Nairobi flight. I am borrowing someone’s Boingo account. I realized how helpful it is to have this account, especially when traveling internationally. This past week I also found out that this account can be used in various bookstores and hotels in the United […]
Books on Africa Plane Ride
Two books that I am taking with me on my trip out to Africa are: The Difference Maker by John Maxwell and Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard. Both of these books deal with our attitudes and our character. I try to vary up my reading. Naturally, I love just reading books on leadership […]