2007 SE Asia Update 8

I spent some time reflecting this morning. I was just humbled by meeting Pastor Eu Hong Seng yesterday. He is the senior pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle which has been in existence for about 25 years. They started with the youth (young high school and college students) and now they have a vibrant community of […]

2007 SE Asia Update 7

What a busy day! Pastor Paul and I started off today with a crazy taxi ride to get to our first meeting. The taxi driver was very confident in finding the address but by the time we were in the car, I realized that he was lost. But by God’s grace we were able to […]

2007 SE Asia Update 6

We finally arrived in Kuala Lumpur! It was quite a trip from Pekanbaru to Medan and then from Medan to KL. It is great to have Penny (a former member in our church) pick us up at their airport. In fact, I found out that she took the whole week off in order to serve […]

2007 SE Asia Update 5

Pastor Paul took me to an Indonesian wedding yesterday. It was a blessing for several reasons. First, the father of the groomsman came from an area in Indonesia where a majority of the people are Muslim, but by God’s mercy he came to know the Lord. He then raised up his family in a Christian […]

2007 SE Asia Update 4

I am in Pekanbaru right now. I arrived yesterday and I am already noticing the difference between Jakarta and this area. First of all, the internet connection is not only slow but there aren’t as many wifi places. I am currently using Pastor Paul’s cell phone to connect to the internet world. But meeting the […]

2007 SE Asia Update 3

Today was an encouraging day. I had the opportunity to visit a watchtower (24/7 prayer room) which was opened by Gereja Bethel Indonesia Church. They started this prayer ministry back in 1998! For close to 9 years, they have been praying 24/7. It reminded me of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians with their prayer movement. […]

2007 SE Asia Update 2

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit one of our HMCC former members in her office. She is currently helping out with the Billy Graham’s Hope for Indonesia campaign called My Hope Indonesia. It was pretty exciting to see how God sovereignly placed her as one of the main directors. She is trying to mobilize […]

2007 SE Asia Update 1

I finally arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is truly a blessing when one of your former members has access to the airport and helps out with the customs and visa. It is probably one of the smoothest entry processes that I have ever experienced. I met up with Louisa who came to know the Lord […]

International Connections

It has been a long 24 hours. I arrived in Narita Airport in Japan after some delays in DTW (oh the delays). Then I only had 40 minutes to get on my Singapore flight. I finally arrived at 1:30AM and then checked into a hotel in the airport. It is cool that you can rent […]

07.07.07 and the 7 Wonders

These kinds of numbers are a perfectionist’s dream. They are usually called a palindrome, since they are the same forward and backwards. On this day, the New7Wonders organization named the new Seven Wonders of the world. This was the first time when people from around the world were able to vote via internet and SMS. […]

Travels and the Family

People have always asked me how I maintain my family life in the midst of all my travels. I will have to admit that it is not easy balancing everything. But here are some things that help me keep the focus as well as doing everything that God has called me to do. There are […]

Trip to Indonesia and Malaysia

I will be leaving for Indonesia and Malaysia this coming Monday. I have heard that God is doing some great things out in these countries. As I go to these places, I will be asking God to give me His eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit of God is doing in […]

Mosquitoes and Male Bonding

There is something unique about taking some time out with just one of your children and spending extra time with them. Not only do you get to know them on a different level, but they feel very special. Josiah was able to start this first fire and help put up the tent. We grilled some […]

Ancient Prayers Series

E. M. Bounds was a Methodist minister that had a great burden for prayer. Many of his writings are inspiring and insightful on the topic of prayer. You can read up read up on some of his writings here. E. M. Bounds writes (parentheses mine), “The church is looking for better methods. God is looking […]

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