Knowing Ourselves

One of the biggest hindrances in doing the will of God is the inability to know ourselves in light of who God is and His grace in our lives. The more we know ourselves in sober judgment, the more we will learn to depend on God for everything. This is why I love John Newton’s […]

Chillin’ with the Kim Family

Yesterday, we had the Executive Team over to our place for food and a time of fellowship. We grilled some fajitas and had other side dishes that awaken our taste buds. Some of the desserts that were brought over were excellent as well. Afterwards we played Guesstures – guys vs. gals! No comment on who […]

Nothing New Under the Sun

The writer of Ecclesiastes said, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, ‘Look! This is something new?’ It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. There is no remembrance […]

Love for the Lost

This quote by Charles H. Spurgeon painted a great mental picture of how our concern and love for the lost should be: “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned […]

2007 Breakaway Soccer Season

I am a little bummed about not being able to play this summer for HMCC’s Breakaway Soccer league. Since I will be out most of July, I will be missing this season. Over the years, I have seen this ministry grow in great ways. It has become more international in flavor and it has also […]

Working on the Schedules

Now with summer in full swing, Christina and I are trying to get a good schedule going for the whole Kim family. First, we worked on the kids’ schedules together. It is interesting to see how the parents and the children do not see eye to eye in terms of how long they can play […]

Road Rage and the 10 Commandments

The Vatican issued a 10 commandments for drivers. You can read the article here. It is a bit surprising since most people are used to the Vatican speaking out on abortion, homosexuality, or capital punishment. I am guessing it is due to all the road rage that is out there on the streets. They warned […]

Thoughts on “The 360 Leader”

        The topic of leadership is my passion. I love devouring books and articles on leadership. The topic can be discussed from Christian authors or even secular authors – it really doesn’t matter because any leadership principles that work in the world are always biblical principles. John Maxwell is known as the […]

A Guest at HMCC of Chicago

Yesterday, HMCC of Chicago was blessed to have Pastor David Yang from All Nations Mission Church visit our Sunday Celebration. He is leading a growing bi-cultural church in the New Jersey area. Since his son attends our church Pastor Yang brought his whole family to spend some time with Josh before he took off for […]

The Funeral Tells It All

I still remember attending my first funeral. I was about 10 years old. All I remember from the burial service was the wife screaming and crying as the husband’s casket was being lowered. I just remember my heart being saddened. Since then, I have attended more funerals and I am expecting many more to come […]

The Ordinary Opera Guy

Since some people know that I like opera, I have been getting a lot of forwards about Paul Potts, the mobile phone salesman from South Wales, who is a contestant in the new British talent search show called, Britain’s Got Talent. The fascination with Paul Potts is that he is just an “ordinary” guy but […]

Birthday Feasting

I guess as people celebrate their birthdays, it is often times equated with going out to eat. It is an extra bonus when people end up paying for you. Yesterday I had breakfast with the kids at one of my favorite breakfast places. Then the staff took me out for lunch. Finally for dinner, Christina […]

Ruth Graham Gone Before Us

Today, on June 14th at 5:05PM, Ruth Graham went to be with the Lord. I was pretty moved by the news article in CNN and their depiction of her. Read it here. I think her life is summed up well by the words of Billy Graham, “Ruth was my life partner, and we were called […]

Popsicle Outreach

I really love it when a vision is cast and then the people of God take it and run with it. Some of the small groups in our church have been trying to live out the missional church mandate. It is amazing to find out some of the creative ways they are coming up with […]

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