For our Friday night ACCESS gatherings in AA, we have changed the focus a little bit. First of all, during the summer we are meeting just once a month (compared to every Friday night). We really wanted the small groups to be more missional and find creative ways to experience not […]
The Night Life Pioneers
We are finishing off a two-year theme called, “Church Beyond the Walls.” For some reason, when the staff and I first talked about the theme (2 years ago) we had no idea how everything was going to turn out. All we knew was that we, as a church, needed to be […]
The Google Influence
Today, after a long day at the office, I was going to my car which was parked in a parking structure. It was a bit strange to see plain clothed security guards on the premises. This is the first time seeing so many all throughout the parking structure. So I decided to ask one of […]
The Gospel According to Cicadas
It is just incredible! This is an epic tale of the life of a cicada… Awakening – Transformation – Purpose – Reproduction.
The Unified Sound of Cicadas
When I was going to the airport a cicada got stuck in the windshield wipers. We were trying so hard to “release” the poor little fellow by turning on the windshield wipers… but to no avail. The destiny of the little critter was determined. But for every one that dies, there are hundreds more that […]
Processing Through Ideas
This morning I had breakfast with Pastor Jimmy, our site pastor for our Chicago site. We spent some time sharing our hearts with one another and bouncing off ideas. It was an encouraging time. Harvey Firestone, the founder of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company said, “Capital isn’t so important in business. Experience isn’t so […]
Pep Talk to Finish
I just had a conversation with my GCTS professor, Dr. Tim Tennent. I am trying to finish off my dissertation for my doctor of ministry degree. In order for me to graduate in May 2008, I really need to start writing – A LOT. With any major goal in life, it is always helpful to […]
BBQ Time
As the weather is getting nicer, our family decided to have a bar-b-que tonight. I always have the honor of cooking on the grill. The kids think it just tastes better when daddy cooks it 🙂 When I don’t have to speak on a Friday night, it gives me more time to spend with the […]
Human Depravity
I am being more assured about the Christian doctrine of the depravity of humankind that the Reformers so eloquently described for us throughout history. There are some articles online for you to read by R.C. Sproul, John Piper, and Jonathan Edwards. Yesterday, on Karissa’s last day of school, I dropped her off and walked inside […]
Signs of Stagnation
In 1980’s Erwin M. Soukup compiled a list in which he calls “The Seven Steps to Stagnation.” By now, some of these statements are very familiar in the corporate world, as well as in many organizations that are trying to bring change. The 7 steps are: 1) We’ve never done it that way before. 2) […]
Revolutionary Transformation
I don’t think any of the revolutions in history have occurred without some form of opposition. In fact, in any “change” or process of transformation there will always be opposition. If this was not the case, then so many things in the world will be transformed by now. This is why revolutions and the work […]
Running Club
In the boys’ school, they have a running club where the kids have a choice of going to their 2nd recess in the afternoon or participate in the running club. Both, Josiah and Elliot, decided to participate. Anyone who ran over 100 miles for the 2006-2007 school year got a trophy. Elliot and Josiah were […]
Through the Generations of the Kim Family
Today, I went to one of Karissa’s teacher’s retirement party. Mrs. McDonough has been teaching the pre-primary Montessori class for 15+ years. She and Mrs. Duneske (the other teacher) have been teaching together for 15 years. They were Josiah’s teachers as well as Elliot’s. It was pretty awesome to see students and families that had […]
Our Readiness
This week has been a weird week so far. Just in the last couple of days, there have been several tragedies to hit the Michigan community. First, the sudden death of Rhonda Hart, Detroit’s Christian radio personality on WMUZ sent shockwaves within the Christian community. Secondly, a team of University of Michigan Health System died […]